It Is Time
Every so often a word comes across my computer screen that seems to agree with something deep inside my spirit. This is just such a word. This word says all of the many many things I have been sensing God impress on my heart.
In an earlier post, I referenced that it seems as if God Holy Spirit has been leading me to obey all of the lessons from former days in Sunday School, Children's Church, and Kids' Crusades. That now is the time to take the truth of God's Word and make it a reality in my life, in every area not only the "major" areas. I believe the word God gave me coincides with the truths from the following word perfectly.
We are no longer to be operating from the position of the status quo but from the position of power and authority in the name of Jesus. That we are to live as if God is exactly who He says He is and as if we are exactly who He says we are. We are to no longer attend Christian social clubs but BE the Church of Jesus Christ, a body of healing, comforting, delivering, salvation sharing soldiers of the Most High God. It is time for the Goliaths to fall! The soldiers of Emmanuel are rising up in the name of Jesus, going forth in His power, and darkness is fleeing from the light of God shining out from within us!
It is a time like never before, and Abundance House is honored to share words like the following and those at with you. Please visit Brooke's Babbling blog. It is authored by one of our four lovely daughters. I am confident that not only will you see how extremely blessed this mama is, but you will also join our family in giving great thanks to God for all he has done in one of our beautiful girls' life!
In Christ's Love,
Abundantly Blessed
"The Great American Eclipse: A Prophetic Sign for Our Nation"
by Kathi Pelton, Eugene, OR
On August 21, 2017, a total eclipse of the Sun will be seen across the United States of America. People are calling this the "Great American Eclipse". Though the sky will go dark for only a few minutes as the Sun, Moon and Earth align, people have been preparing for this months in advance. It is no coincidence thatAugust 21 is also the first day of the Jewish season of Teshuvah, a forty-day season of repentance and return to God leading up to the Day of Atonement.
Alignments and Unity
Numerous prophetic voices have been hearing about alignments, preparations, repentance and many turning back to the Lord. Often, we will see events in the natural realm illustrate spiritual realities. I believe that this is one of those times.
Numerous prophetic voices have been hearing about alignments, preparations, repentance and many turning back to the Lord. Often, we will see events in the natural realm illustrate spiritual realities. I believe that this is one of those times.
As we entered 2017, the Spirit spoke to me and said that the first half of this year would prepare God's people to align in unity with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit according to Jesus' prayer in John 17:20 (17:20 in 2017), just as the Sun, the Moon and Earth will align. However, God's alignment will not be momentary, but eternal. He also spoke to me that July would be a month of completion that would usher God's people into resurrection, restoration and true repentance. I keep finding myself saying the words,"Repentance is freedom from wrong alignments."
When I began to hear about the "Great American Eclipse" I knew in my spirit that it was a prophetic sign in the sky of a spiritual manifestation on Earth, specifically for America.
Momentary Darkness Turning to Light
The months since, our presidential elections have been a momentary darkness that is aligning our nation and God's people to move into unity, restoration and the resurrection of God's original intent. The forty-day season of Teshuvah will be the culmination of alignments, preparation and repentance to enter into authority. Repentance produces humility, and authority is a product of godly humility.
Momentary Darkness Turning to Light
The months since, our presidential elections have been a momentary darkness that is aligning our nation and God's people to move into unity, restoration and the resurrection of God's original intent. The forty-day season of Teshuvah will be the culmination of alignments, preparation and repentance to enter into authority. Repentance produces humility, and authority is a product of godly humility.
A little more than a week after these forty days of repentance, an event will take place at the Washington DC Mall called "Awaken the Dawn – America's Tent of Meeting". From October 6-9, fifty tents from all fifty states will be set up at the Washington Mall to pour forth prayer and worship 24/7 for three days straight. I believe that this will be a time of "divine reset" after the forty days of repentance.
Over a million people are expected to travel to our state of Oregon to view the eclipse; so will we also see a million people gather at the DC Mall this October to see darkness turn to light in our nation's capital?
Over a million people are expected to travel to our state of Oregon to view the eclipse; so will we also see a million people gather at the DC Mall this October to see darkness turn to light in our nation's capital?
"Even the darkness is not dark to You,
And the night is as bright as the day.
Darkness and light are alike to You."
(Psalm 139:12)
No Longer Status Quo
It is time to align with the light of our God, even in the midst of earthly darkness. Then darkness will not be dark to the people of God. They will be the light of Christ to a world in darkness that searches for light. This is a time to truly take the seasons of God seriously. The Holy Spirit is calling and asking us to "come up higher" in order to discern the times and seasons. It is not "status quo" any longer. Now is the time to see nations turn back to God. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton understand our culture's need for encouragement and hope. Through writing and speaking, they escort individuals into awareness of God's profound compassion and mercy that heals brokenness, and they have a unique ability to help anyone seeking pathways into His kind embrace. For several years, Jeffrey and Kathi led a house of prayer located in Kelowna, British Columbia. Currently, they travel extensively, working with prayer and prophetic movements. Recently, Jeffrey and Kathi, their grown children, and their one grandson relocated from Northern California to Eugene, Oregon. They continue to travel and have begun networking with prayer ministries in the Pacific Northwest. They are also part of a development team for Kairos Ministries, a local church plant.