It's a busy, busy season here at Living Large on Less. We've been branding, will be branding this next weekend, have company coming, and a photography exhibit to prepare for. Thank you for being so patient with us. If you can find it in yourselves to be patient for just a few weeks longer, we will back in full force with plenty of ideas, tips, and suggestions for Living Large on Less. Some of them will have been tried and tested at the very events we are working on right now.
Remember to enjoy the life you have been granted and to make every moment of every day one in which you Live Large--no matter how little the "less" is. For example, right now the sun is shining and Colonel Redeemed is mowing. What a blessing my oldest son is to me! I'm thinking that now is the perfect time to hang clean laundry on the line and set out some sun tea. Then, there are some tomatoes, peppers, and other plants that are longing to be in the garden. Another blessing to be thankful for is that my Mother-in-Love is sending over lunch--already cooked. I told you I was a Blessed Mama. Even picking potato bugs off the potato plants can be living large. It's all in the perspective. "You can gripe about the manure OR you can be thankful for the ox." It's Spring! The earth is waking up! Have a blessed time Living Large. Blessed Mama
Remember to enjoy the life you have been granted and to make every moment of every day one in which you Live Large--no matter how little the "less" is. For example, right now the sun is shining and Colonel Redeemed is mowing. What a blessing my oldest son is to me! I'm thinking that now is the perfect time to hang clean laundry on the line and set out some sun tea. Then, there are some tomatoes, peppers, and other plants that are longing to be in the garden. Another blessing to be thankful for is that my Mother-in-Love is sending over lunch--already cooked. I told you I was a Blessed Mama. Even picking potato bugs off the potato plants can be living large. It's all in the perspective. "You can gripe about the manure OR you can be thankful for the ox." It's Spring! The earth is waking up! Have a blessed time Living Large. Blessed Mama