Praying into the answers

So, those questions yesterday were probing and deep. They went right down into the depths .of our hearts and laid everything open and bare, in a very good way.

Sitting here in the afterglow that follows a time of intimacy with the Comforter we're still feeling a bit exposed and raw. Would you draw close to the fire of His love with me for awhile? Would you sit among this pile of soft pillows and allow the comforting warmth of Love to flow over your raw, exposed places covering you with His blood and grace?

Maybe you will join me in soaking in the presence of the Lord by turning your favorite worship music on. I'm hitting repeat on mine. Now that we have asked ourselves the hard questions, we need to fill up with more of Him. It is time for us to rest.

Rest brings me straight to the heart of God. Rest is where the Lord and I are joined together in intimate stillness of spirit and soul. If God has been beckoning you into a place of rest, a place of Sabbath if you will, perhaps the following books will serve as companions along the way.

Rhythms of Rest: Finding the Spirit of Sabbath in a Busy World by Shelly Miller

The Rest of God: Restoring your soul by restoring Sabbath by Mark Buchanan

Finding Selah by Kristen Kill

Finding Sabbath Rest together,
Abundantly Blessed

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