A Year
Sometimes it seems as if life is a song like the ones I learned during piano lessons. Masterpieces composed of a melody interrupted by other tunes only to be repeated over and over in variation after variation.
No matter how long the piece was the original melody would return. It might not be played exactly the same. More notes and new rhythms might be added, but the original melody was still there interwoven with the extra and new.
Pondering the similarities between life and those piano works of days gone by, the wondering draws me closer in. What is the melody of my life? How has it revealed itself throughout the years? It is a question to ponder.
As I look back over the years I begin to recognize a melody oft repeated. The more I hear it the deeper it weaves through me. Finally I recognize the melody for what it is. This is my song. Woven throughout the years of my life is a song. A song of love. A song composed by God. A song that is God. God is my song. He is the melody sure and sweet.
Perhaps you too can hear your song when you consider the years gone by. Perhaps if you stop and listen you will hear the One who made you. The One who composed your song. The One who is your song. The song of life and living, your life, your living.
Listening to the song and loving the Composer,
Abundantly Blessed