Love Does That
Just because nothing was said out loud and no wrongs were pointed out doesn't mean sin wasn't known. Wrongs hidden are seldom well-kept secrets.
Just because nothing was said doesn't mean nobody knew. It means love chose silence instead of the pointing finger.
Love does that sometimes. Sometimes love speaks, but sometimes it remains silent allowing an open door of freedom so that open confession and repentance can be chosen instead of hidden sin.
And when no confession or repentance is chosen? When sins are tucked out of sight and a camouflage of pretend goodness attempts to deceive? Love waits.
Love trusts in truth and waits. Because love never fails. The wait may be long. The time may be hard. The tears may fall and the years may pass as knees bend in prayer day after hopeful day, but still love waits.
For love knows the secret that isn't a secret to those who love. Love is. Love never fails, never wears out, never grows thin, never quits. Love endures long and is kind. Love bears, believes, hopes, endures all. Love is. When all else is not, Love remains and abides. Love is the greatest adventure and quest.
For those who are silently waiting and faithfully loving loved ones, thank you. Thank you to those who have waited and loved year after year for the ones you love to choose Love.
Your love and prayers are bringing life from death. They are opening prison doors and shining the beacon of Love's light out into the dark. Deception and lies are being revealed for what they truly are. The real is exposing the fake.
Maybe no one on earth is aware of the love vigil you keep, but God knows. All of heaven knows and is preparing for the moment your heart's deepest cry becomes reality. Heaven is waiting to celebrate your love victory with you in joyful abandon.
Please keep loving. Please keep waiting. Please keep praying. Please don't quit. Love abides. Love endures. Love is. From someone who has been loved, please love always. Please keep believing God Who is love. For always, Love is.
With humble gratitude and deep appreciation for the ones who have loved and prayed for me.