Over and over I have listened to my adult children talking about being little with a smile on my face and tears in my heart as their words revealed how far away their perceptions are from what my heart's intent was. What they saw and heard is not at all what I was attempting to share and teach! How did I fail so deeply and often?
How could my love for them and the Lord Jesus have been such a strong motivation for me and yet so completely unnoticed by them? Were all of the years spent pouring myself out of no value? Did I lay my life down for naught?
These are the questions that can flood a mama's mind when the way has been long and hard and the years multiplied into many spent in the trenches of making the daily mama choices. When the mind is as weary as the body is when a mama's most challenging battle begins. When her own personal standards are unmet they stand there and mock a mama much like Goliath taunted the shepherd David.
These are the times a mama rises up in the armor God has provided her and brings to mind the faithfulness of God in times past. Just like David, God mamas have fought the lion. They have taken out that bear. In the power of the Lord mamas have protected their baby lambs from the enemies that threatened.
God mamas have fought the good fight of faith and know what their God can do. They know it is by grace through faith and not of themselves. Mamas know the strength they walk in is not their own. Of this there is no doubt.
Her children may not know it. To her children a mama may appear weak and needy. Yes. Needy is exactly what she is. That is why a mama's confidence is not in herself or her own abilities. Through God she shall do valiantly. It is He who shall tread down her enemies.
Mamas have fought in truth and in truth they stand strong and sure of the victory that is theirs through Christ Jesus. Jesus knows a mother's heart, and He is the Great Shepherd of her flock. The One she led her children to for comfort is The Comforter of her own soul. Mamas need comfort too.
Mama, if today you are facing the giant of disappointment or the ferocity of seeming failure, take courage sweet one. The One who delivered you from the lion and the bear in the past will deliver you from this giant you face now. This uncircumcised Philistine will fall as all other predators fell.
It is not by might or by power but by His Spirit says the Lord. He is your victory. God has never failed you, and He won't fail you now. Mama, stand still and see the salvation of your God. Because of Jesus, the victory is yours. In quietness and trust is your strength. Rest in the Lord. It is He who will tread down the enemy. I
Today. Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day for another victory for mamas. Today we pick up our five smooth stones, grab our slingshot, and declare the victory of our God. No matter what the giant we face, God has always been faithful, and faithful He always will be. Of that we can be sure.