Pray With Me?

Every Friday an email comes into my inbox from Emily Lex. Hers is one of two emails that come on Friday. I wait eagerly for both. If I had to narrow down the weekly emails I receive, there are only four I would continue to receive. This is one of the four.

Some emails are for skimming through to catch special sales, offers, and freebies. Other emails provide information for praying and voting effectively and accurately. Still others continue to show up almost daily, even after unsubscribing upteen times. And then, there are emails that feel like a beautiful, refreshing visit with a cherished friend. Those are the emails that are watched for with the same eager anticipation a small child waits for the mailman to bring each day's mail.

As we calm our minds and prepare to enter this week's sabbath, please join Emily Lex for a simple, yet profound, prayer. May we all unify in prayer with sincere hearts. Praying together:

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