With Love, Mama

How I have longed to come visit with you. How I have sought the Lord Jesus and prayed fervently for you that come here. My heart overflows with love and concern for everyone who reads the words written here. As I have read over previous posts, I wonder why anyone comes at all. And yet, I know why: the Father draws us together in this place. 

It's  with the heart of a mama I find myself praying for all who might read these words. In the night, when most are sleeping, I so often pray that you will know God in deeper ways than ever before and that He will keep you in His perfect peace. I pray that every promise in His Word manifests in your life. May healing of your spirit, soul, and body be complete and sure. May every word in His Word become life and light to you in the dark seasons, 

When discouragement and confusion attempt to strangle the life out of you, may you remember to breathe deeply of His breath that is in you, for it is His breath that you breathe. May you breathe in the presence of Jehovah Shalom, God your peace, and exhale anxiety, fear, and stress over and over and over again until all trace of terror and anxiousness have gone,

When it seems as if every dream has been crushed and all desires feel unmet, I pray God Holy Spirit envelopes you as Comforter and reminds you of Truth that holds you close. Promises will wash over you in a flood of Goodness, Mercy, and Grace. You will know Truth, AND it will SET YOU FREE. 

When you want to give up and quit but can't because there are others who rely on you, I pray you allow yourself to trust in Him and rest in Who He Is. His grace truly is sufficient. In our weakness He is strong. It's true. Rest, dear one, rest. Jesus is enough. When you know you aren't enough, He is. So, rest precious one, rest in Jesus. 

With a mama's heart I write as I would write to my own dear child, it's okay if you're not okay. The One who is all is okay, and He is able to do everything we can't. Let yourself trust and believe in Him. All those other voices prattling on and on and on mean well, but Jesus is Truth. It's the voice of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we long to hear, and He is speaking to all who listen. Hear Him call your name. 

It's a fact we want what we want. When we don't get what we want, emotions can rise up fierce, but that too is okay. He knows us. He isn't afraid of big feelings and emotions. He holds the universe in His hands; our emotions aren't a problem to Him. He loves it when we come to Him and tell Him everything; there's no greater listener to pour out our woes to than the One who made us and cradles us close. 

He isn't expecting legalistic perfection. He knows we are just dust walking. He expects us to live a process that is often messy and not always neat and tidy. We're the ones who want things all orderly and perfect. Not Him, He loves being the order in our lives and delights in catching us as a loving parent catches their tiny child who is learning to walk or running beside cheering when they attempt their first bicycle ride. 

Abba God delights in us. We are His. God is. God is good. God loves us. This is all we need. When this life is all wrapped up and complete, we truly won't care about anything other than pleasing God and our loved ones knowing Him. Really, we won't. Come here, love. Go ahead now, exhale all that tension out. That's right, exhale again. Imagine every bit of tension draining out of every single cell in your body. Now that all of that nasty stress is gone, imagine every cell filling back up with the healing, keeping love of God as you inhale Him and His goodness in. Feel free to inhale Him in as many times as you like; see your cells filling with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. It's amazing how many times He has met me in the breathing in of Him and breathing out of all that is not Him, 

He isn't far away. Nor is He difficult to find. Emmanuel, God with us, is always near. As I close out this letter I pray you meet Him. If you already know Him, I pray your relationship deepens and becomes richer and sweeter with every passing moment. May you be kept in His love and care knowing and experiencing for yourself the riches of His mercy and grace. May you be infused with the power of His resurrection and His glory be a shield around you. In Him may you live and move and have your being, I pray you know and experience Him as the glory and the lifter of your head. It's in His name, the name of Jesus, I pray all these things.

With love,


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