You Won't Want to Miss This!
Hey There! We have a couple of things to pass on to any readers who homeschool. We will have a regular post later on this week, but for now, here's some great savings going on:
* The Old Schoolhouse Magazine has come out with their annual supplement. It is free to subscribers and is filled to overflowing with enough bonuses, articles, ebooks, worksheets, and planner modules to more than pay for the cost of a year's magazine subscription. Trust me on this one, it's definitely worth your while. I just downloaded mine and after skimming a couple of articles and a summer module, I'm ready to begin school all over again instead of wind down for the year:)
* OK, if you receive any homeschool enewsletters, then you are well aware of the Ultimate Homeschool Expo going on right now. If this major, most "ultimate" event has somehow not shown up on your radar, then you will most definitely, definitely want to head on over to Cindy Rushton's website and find the information on this one. This is a truly amazing deal! Cindy Rushton is known for her generous gifts and this year is looking even bigger and better than ever. The ticket is $39.95. Those who are unable or don't enjoy attending homeschool conventions will be especially blessed. The speakers come to you right at home. How's that for great? Not to mention that there are freebies, bonuses, ebooks, audio sessions, and more included in the ticket price. Check it out. There is also a special price for friends who want to join up and save on the ticket price. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS ONE! Want to get a sample of the speakers before committing to a ticket? Head on over to Talk-a-Latte, another Rushton family ministry and listen in. Seriously, look into this, YOU WILL BE BLESSED!
Now, just to be on the safe side, we want everyone to know that Living Large on Less is only passing on a couple of tips on great savings and blessings. That is all! This has not been an advertisement. We just don't want anyone to miss out on these amazing opportunities to Live Large on Less in their homeschools. Until we get together again, enjoy the Blessings of the Lord as we all learn to Live Large on Less. Blessed Mama