The King is Coming!!!

In the early hours of morning while the little man in my arms surrendered to sleep, a dream played on.  The dream itself wasn't one of great length or much excitement.  As a matter of fact, it only went so far before reaching a certain spot and there it stayed.  Normally I wouldn't have paid such a small, "insignificant" dream much attention, I almost didn't this one either.  Until...a voice spoke soft into the ear of my heart "Do you think that maybe this dream means something?"  So soft and quiet that had the traces of sleep not remained so heavy and deep I would have missed it entirely.  A meaning?  Truth bloomed quickly as the realization that the dream hadn't been the product of last night's pizza, nor was it insignificant took root.  The dream meant something.  It had a message, in a song.  The song from the dream sang on and on inside.  It's still singing loud.  The small dream of the early morning hours contained a very large message, one needing spoken and shared,  The King is Coming.   The King is Coming!  Praise God! He's coming for me.

 Praise God, He's coming for me.

The market place is empty

No more traffic in the streets

All builders tools are silent

No more time to harvest wheat

Busy housewives cease their labors

In the Courtroom no debate

Work on earth is all suspended

As the King comes through the gate.

Oh, the King is coming

The King is coming

I just heard the trumpet sounding

And now his face I see

Oh, the King is coming

The King is coming

Praise God

He's coming for me!

All the railroad road cars are empty

As they rattle down the tracks

In the newsroom no one watches

As machines type pointless facts

All the planes veer off their courses

No one sits at the controls

For the King of all the ages

Comes to claim eternal souls.

Oh, the King is coming

The King is coming

I just heard the trumpet sounding

And now his face I see

Oh, the King is coming

The King is coming

Praise God

He's coming for me!

Happy faces line the hallways

Those whose lives have been redeemed

Broken homes that He has mended

Those from prison He has freed

Little children and the aged

Hand in hand stand all aglow

Who were crippled, broken, ruined

Clad in garments white as snow.

Oh, the King is coming

The King is coming

I just heard the trumpet sounding

And now his face I see

Oh, the King is coming

The King is coming

Praise God

He's coming for me!

I can hear the chariots rumble

I can see the marching throng

The flurry of God's trumpet

Spell the end of sin and wrong

Regal robes are now enfolding

Heaven's grandstand all in place

Heaven's choir now assembled

Start to sing Amazing Grace.

Oh, the King is coming

The King is coming

I just heard the trumpet sounding

And now his face I see

Oh, the King is coming

The King is coming

Praise God

He's coming for me!

Oh, the King is coming

The King is coming

And now his face I see

Oh, the King is coming

The King is coming

Praise God

He's coming for me!

Praise God

He's coming for me!

"The King Is Coming" is by Bill Gaither.

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