The Sacrifice of Love
Good Afternoon! For months and months and months and months I have been waiting for the right words to express the depths of my heart. This afternoon I read the words my heart has been wanting to speak. They were in an article at Grace Table written by Lori Harris. Please take the time to click on the enclosed link. Once you've sat down at Grace Table, allow the stress of the day to melt away as you freely partake of the word feast spread before you.
Also, if you are wanting an example of love's sacrifice in the here and now, head on over to So Much Moore. A wife and mom shares how "the boys" in her life love her big and that love's sacrifice need not be major to bless large.
Over and over in millions of ways my favorite people in the whole world, My Beloved and children, love me sacrificially. That is where the name Abundance House came from for this blog and also why I sign each post as Abundantly Blessed. Because I am blessed abundantly. Every day those who surround me provide in the flesh examples of Jesus by laying down their lives for me in countless ways both big and small. As I contemplate love's sacrifice and what it looks like in my life here on earth, I can't ignore the intense longing that rises up from within. Oh that I love others as I am loved, abundantly.
Learning the art of Love's Sacrifice,
Abundantly Blessed