Forgetting Not

"I can't forget..."

"Don't let me forget to..."

"We have to remember..."

Are these phrases familiar to you? They are to me. With a husband and more than one child running around, in, and through the house, not to mention my own doings, these phrases frequently exit the gates otherwise known as my lips. Have you ever considered  your lips as gates? They really are a gate for words. If my lips remain closed no words get out, and if they are open a whole lot might be loosed.

The Holy Season often becomes filled to the brim and running over with words. Words advertising sales and bargains, displays and programs, love and hate, words, words, words abound, and each of us is responsible for choosing which words we will, or will not, meditate upon. Oh yes, we all meditate: utter, mutter, and ponder. What we will meditate on is the decision that's ours alone to make. Sometimes, in the busyness, we forget this.

As we anticipate Christ's coming with eagerness and joy, may each and every one of us not forget to choose words wisely, both the words we speak and the ones we utter, mutter, and ponder. May the Word, Emmanuel, God With Us, be our constant meditation and may God Holy Spirit act as guard over the gates of our lips.  May we ever bear in mind that we are the body of  He who has come and is coming soon.

On another note, if you ever need to know, Christmas and potty-training can be done together. Wouldn't necessarily  recommend it, but it can be done. Finally. Another thing for a mama to remember is that each and every child is unique in every way and will accomplish everything they need to accomplish in their own, sweet time and in their own way. Even though their way may not necessarily be entirely sweet.

Until next week remember how extravagantly God loves you, and that He truly is Emmanuel, God With Us,
Abundantly Blessed

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