We Have the Good News!!!
With so many negative words flooding the airwaves, be encouraged dear one God is not finished! He Who has begun a good thing will complete it! May we all go out in boldness in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Abundantly Blessed
"A Call To Action: We Have The Good News - Go Out In Boldness!"
This past month we, in this great nation, were shown incredible mercy in the presidential election; a mercy we did not deserve but were graciously extended by the hand of God. Once again, God has shed His grace on thee!
I am a "grace guy" through and through. No doubt, I need it every day. What grace do I need? His grace...a grace revealed by the Apostle Paul in Titus 2:11-15, "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and all worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you."
I believe we should rejoice in this victory in our land without apology to anyone, yet in a spirit of humility not haughtiness; knowing that we have been shown great mercy. But for what purpose have we been shown mercy? Is it to go back to the status quo, to go back to compromise, to "unsanctified human mercy", and politically correct toleration? No, we have been shown mercy to take back the 7 mountains of culture and establish the agenda of the Kingdom of God in our land!
I inquired of the Lord what posture should we take after this remarkable upset (for those who are prophetic it was not an upset but a confirmation) in the Presidential election. I felt the Lord leading me to remember the story of David and Goliath.
David and Goliath
When David heard the slanderous taunts of Goliath and saw the fear of the Israelite army, he was incensed and said, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine who taunts the army of the living God!" (1 Samuel 17:26.)
When Saul realized he had a potential combatant to go up against Goliath, he attempted to have David wear the "armor" that all the Israelite army wore, he even attempted to have David wear his (Saul's) own armor! David tried it on and saw that it was not "a fit" for him. Instead, he decided to use the weapons that had worked for him in the past!
The Response of the Israelites to David's Conquest
David went up against this giant Goliath. Goliath ridiculed him, demeaned David before all the armies, blasphemed God, declared his own invincibility, and trusted in his own size, strength, and past victories! I am sure that many, on both sides of the conflict, were "betting" heavily on David's "sure" loss.
What happened next shocked both sides. David reached down and pulled one of the 5 stones he had gathered from the stream (remember Goliath had 4 brothers, for David had more than Goliath in mind! 2 Sam. 21:22). He placed one stone in his well-used sling and began to swing it around his head, creating a sound that filled the silenced battlefield, a sound of the swirling winds of the motion of God's ordained weapon against Goliath. David released the stone and it found its mark and sunk deep in Goliath's forehead and knocked the giant Goliath down, wounded and in great agony!
David did not celebrate and walk back to the Israelite army, no, he ran toward the felled Goliath and picked up Goliath's own sword and cut the giant's head off! What did the Israelites do when they beheld David's victory? Did the army of God seek to comfort those Philistines who had oppressed them, taunted them, and defied their God? Did they turn around and say that was a great victory for David, and let's go back to life as normal?
No, they took the fight to them and prevailed in light of David's great victory over the Philistines Champion Goliath! When the Israelite army saw what just happened, they were emboldened and pursued the now afraid and fleeing Philistine army and defeated them and plundered them. (1 Samuel 17:50-55)
Our Call to Action
For the past 50 years or more, our nation and its leaders, have embraced and promoted a "Philistine culture" and celebrated "Goliath champions", in all the 7 mountains of our culture. We are now in a defining hour and moment in our history as a nation. We are in the deciding moment of our future, and the question is, "What will we as His covenant people do?"
I realize, "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Eph. 6:12). Yet we have to realize that a great victory has occurred in this nation for the covenant people of God!
Share the Good News
The Gospel of the Kingdom is good news that proclaims freedom from captivity, deliverance from satan's grip, forgiveness of sins, new life and a new creation in Christ! His love and truth delivers us from the grip of destruction, self-destructive mindsets and world views that advance the agenda of darkness and death, as opposed to His blessing and life! His love and truth sets us free from self-destruction, sin, the world, and satan's grip...it does not comfort us in our rebellion but it leads us to freedom!
We have just experienced the beginning of a "Jubilee" manifestation of Isaiah 61 proportions in this nation, yet it is only a battle won, not a war finished.Please don't be short circuited by the clamor and pain of those who are threatened by their loss of hope for a godless society and culture, but rather be emboldened by this battle won, rejoice, and press into the war that must be fought with the assurance that His Kingdom is indeed coming on earth as it is in Heaven! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Tony Cavener
NE Metro Christian Fellowship of Atlanta
Email: nemcf@bellsouth.net
Website: www.nemetro.us
NE Metro Christian Fellowship of Atlanta
Email: nemcf@bellsouth.net
Website: www.nemetro.us
Tony Cavener has been in the prophetic ministry for over 30 years, having been "fathered" into the prophetic by Bob Jones. He has ministered in Australia, Canada, the UK, Peru, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, and the US. He and his wife Sandra have been Vineyard church planters in Oklahoma City and in Atlanta Georgia. Tony and Sandra planted their current church, NE Metro Christian Fellowship of Atlanta in December of 1994 during the winds of the Toronto Blessing, and have been pastoring NE Metro Christian Fellowship for the past 22 years. They are currently aligned with Chuck Pierce and Glory of Zion as a Church of Zion. In 2000, Tony experienced a broken neck in a surfing accident in Costa Rica during a day of rest from an International Pastors conference. His C1 and C2 vertebrae were broken completely in two and though he should have died or at least been paralyzed from the neck down, he was miraculously healed by the Lord and has no effects from the injury!
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