Summer Reads

Hi! What a long time it has been since we've visited! I am thankful to be here on our special bench visiting today. Do you think the rain will soak us before our visit is through? As long as it is the rain of the Holy Spirit from Heaven everything will be fine.

I can't begin to tell you how many conversations with you I have begun in my mind throughout the past few months. They are simply too numerous to tell. Most frequently I wanted to tell you about the latest books I have been reading. The visits where we share what we are reading with each other seem to be the most thoroughly enjoyed. Because I have been reading some of the books for a very long time, there may be titles you recognize from other visits. There are definitely some new ones you simply musn't miss though so I will risk repeating myself.

  • The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp *
  • Rivers of Grace by Mark and Patti Virkler
  • Revolution in the Church: Challenging the Religious System with a Call for Radical Change by Michael L. Brown
  • The Book of Romance: What Solomon Says about Love, Sex, and Intimacy by Tommy Nelson
  • A Family Shaped by Grace: How to Get Along with the People Who Matter Most by Gary Morland *
  • The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears by Mark Batterson
  • Jane Austen by Peter Leithart
  • Proverbs by Eugene H. Peterson
  • The Life Giving Home: Creating a Place of Belonging and Becoming by Sally and Sarah Clarkson *
  • If Only I Had a Green Nose by Max Lucado
  • The Big Red Tractor and the Little Village by Francis Chan
  • The Oak Inside the Acorn by Max Lucado
  • When God Made You by Matthew Paul Turner
  • The WouldBeGoods by Edith Nesbit *
* a personal favorite 

All of these reads, except Jane Austen, have been pure pleasure to read. Each one has provided exactly the morsel needed to chew on at the precise moment nourishment was needed. I am finding the book about Jane Austen informative but boring. I don't know if I have ever written such a word as boring in a book review before. Not certain I like doing so now, but it can't be helped. I do find the book a truly boring read. Perhaps it is the author's tone, which seems to drone on and on or perhaps it is the uninteresting manner the facts are relayed. All I know is it holds my interest not one little bit, even if it is about Jane Austen. I do find myself wanting to put on a pot of tea when reading though. So that is one good thing about it. 

Speaking of tea, The book by Sally and Sarah Clarkson listed above has been like a soothing balm to my weary soul. I find myself wanting to get lost in the writing while also wanting to pop up and prepare tea or create a dress up trunk for my children. To say the Clarksons speak my heart's language would be an understatement. Not only do these godly women speak with gentleness and love, they also write truth sharing how the every day practical is intended to be infused with the supernatural of God Who is Love. It is encouraging, challenging, and soothing all at once. 

As with most summers, the Easy Homeschooling series by Lorraine Curry and the books on a Thomas Jefferson style leadership education are being scoured for educational gold and teacher's encouragement. Our hearts' desire is for our learning to be strengthened each year. I also possess high hopes for giving Never Too Early by Doreen Claggett another go. Count has been lost of how many times that book's pages have crossed my eyes.

No matter how much I enjoy other reading material, my favorite read of all time is, and always will be, the Bible. Someday, someway, somehow I hope to share the miraculous ways the Bible has led, taught, and revealed truth to each one of our family. For now, know that I have saved the best of the reading list for last. God's Word. The Bible. What have you been reading lately? Are your spirit, soul, and body being challenged, led, and strengthened? Is there a particular read that has brought supernatural soothing to your soul? Please, do tell us! We'd love to hear from you!

Reading to the glory of God,
Abundantly Blessed 

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