God's Gentle Warning

Imagine we are sitting in cozy chairs with cups of something warm and soothing in front of a crackling fire. We're talking about a little bit of everything and how we need to be in prayer concerning all that is taking place around us in the world. One of us sighs and shakes our head at the state of affairs, and then, God shows up. Of course He is with us all along, but we become aware of Him more. As we rest in His loving presence we begin to see how things used to be many years ago. All of sudden we realize that things are much better than they used to be. That both of us are more like Jesus than we were all those years past.

Before we know what has happened we are remembering memory after memory and seeing how differently both people and circumstances are now, for the better. Very little is actually worse than it used to be. Wayward loved ones have come home to the fold of the Good Shepherd; children have grown in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. Circumstances are more abundant than they used to be too. There was a time, back in the day, when one of us was purchasing groceries with assistance vouchers and credit cards. Our checkbooks might not have more money in them than they did then, but somehow, dare we say miraculously, there is more money left after bills than there used to be, and we have more children now than then. Groceries cost more now too.

Speaking of children we quickly realize that these rare and beautiful treasures from heaven have all come during the seasons we needed them most. They are part of the exceeding, abundantly above all we can ask, think, dream, or even imagine. Granted, parenting has been hard. Way hard, but this too comes under Truth's influence and we see that even in this most difficult area, God has been faithful and true to His Word. All of our children profess to have relationships with God, and His love can be regularly seen in our families every day. Our parents, brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, and most all of our aunts, uncles, and cousins are also brothers and sisters in Christ. Broken relationships with extended family members has been or is in the process of being restored. Together we are almost all loving and living God, on both sides of our families!

Parents may be aging. Children are growing up and learning to walk by faith for themselves, sometimes a painful process for families to watch and live through. Bodies get older. Hair turns white or falls out. Eyes need bifocals. Daily living still contains the hardest of the hard, yet through it all there is a sweetness that is amazingly good. Right in the middle of the terrifying, the threatening, the potentially awful, everything is good. Honestly, truly, good. Our rewards love Jesus and each other, our families are knit together in the love of God, God loves us, and our daily needs are perfectly met. Everything that matters most is good. Very good.

And this is where God lovingly looks us in the eye and gently reminds us to be alert, be aware, because, if we are not extremely careful, the enemy will attempt to distract us from God's goodness. Not wanting us to give thanks for all of God's mighty works, that enemy, the devil, is doing everything he can to make us think everything is awful, scary, terrifying, and completely falling apart when all along God in His goodness is still making all things new. God is still healing, cleansing, restoring, renewing. His mercies and loving kindness are still new every morning. He is God; He changes not.

It is a fact that loved ones don't always choose Jesus. People still get sick. Heartache tears at us ferociously. Countries fight. Really bad things happen to really good people. None of these facts alters or changes truth, but truth changes fact. His Words from John 16:33 ring like a clarion call in our hearts, "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In this world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of its power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]"

With the words of the Father ringing through our innermost beings we stare at each other in awed silence. Together we slip to our knees using our chairs as improvised altars. With tears of thanksgiving flowing from our eyes we pour our hearts out in the Father's presence, his love washing over us in a healing, soothing flood.  Even God's warning is saturated with extravagant love. Our hearts now refreshed we are able to see truth is greater than the facts slamming out from the world around us.  No matter how circumstances appear, God is good, and Truth always wins.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Prov. 3:5,6

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