
When you are reading the Word does it ever seem as if the words could have been written by you? Does it ever feel as if someone looked inside of your heart and penned it down?

How amazing it is to consider that thousands of years ago God knew I, and others like me, would need the comfort and encouragement of these words. He knew I would have seasons that are hard. He knew sadness would come. He knew I would fail to control my mouth and spew forth verbal lava. He knew, and He gave me Himself, the Word to lead, guide, teach, and comfort me in His way.

When you are soaking in His words, have you noticed He always comes from a victorious perspective? What great security Our loving heavenly father extends! Whatever we face, He's got it covered.

"I've got this," is what He assures me again and again. I don't have to have it all together; He's got it covered. When I fail, and I often do, He's got it covered. When the storm is long and the sadness lingers, He's got it covered. When joy abounds and all seems calm, He still has it covered.

Whether it is a Psalm 39:3-4 season that finds me crying out with the Psalmist "My heart burned with a fire within me, and my thoughts eventually boiled over until they came rolling out of my mouth." or it is a Psalm 40:3 moment in which I joyously declare "Ecstatic praise pours out of my mouth until everyone hears how God has set me free." , God has it covered.

"O Lord, our God, no one can compare with you. Such wonderful works and miracles are all found with you! And you think of us all the time." Psalm 40:5 The Passion Translation

God thinks of me all the time. Now that's something to ponder!

Reading the Word with wonder,
Abundantly Blessed

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