High-Headed Hussy
Because cattle ranching is a lifestyle as well as an occupation the vocabulary becomes multipurpose. Terminology typically used for cattle can also be used to describe people. For instance, an individual who doesn't mind their own business very well may be referred to as a "nosy ole heifer". An unkind, selfishly crude person may end up being referenced as a "real cow". However, only the excessively domineering get to wear the label of being a "high-headed ole hussy". That is one of the lowest things that can be said of an individual. It's not a term of endearment.
While praying that God will keep me and show me how NOT to be a high-headed ole hussy, I felt impressed to send a love note to anyone who may have been labeled as a cow, a heifer, or even the dreaded hussy. Maybe the label was justly earned. Maybe it wasn't. It doesn't matter if it was or wasn't; you are NOT a cow, heifer, nor a hussy. You are created in God's image, and He calls you loved, wanted, and desired.
I pray you learn the truth: you are a priceless treasure created on purpose by the Master Creator of the universe. People may not be able to see past your behavior into your heart, but God does. He knows the pain. He sees the misunderstandings. He knows how you ache and long for love. He is loving you, now and always. He always has and always will.
You don't have to run away from man. You can run to Goodness. God is only goodness; He won't lash out in anger. He won't misinterpret, misunderstand, or assume. No matter what, you can trust Him. Just stop, breathe, and stay calm. It's ok. God is good. He loves you. It's ok. He isn't going to hurt you. Only people do that, and usually the only reason they do is because they are people. They don't know, but God does. And He loves you. Please don't let humans being human keep you away from truth, from love.
You don't have to plod along just another member of the herd. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, a masterpiece of divine design. Only God knows what your design is. You can trust God. Maybe not man's representation of Him, but God Himself can be trusted fully. You, dear one, are loved and chosen. May you ever know this perfect unending love, the love of God. May you allow Him to whisper truth more loudly than the din of lies around you.
If you have been acting like a high-headed ole hussy and you know it, You can stop. You can trust God and live truth. It's worth the effort of learning how to live new. You don't have to, but you can. You can be so sure of who God is that who you are not no longer matters. God's goodness trumps our not every time.
Stop. Look. Take a deep breath. Let it out. Relax. Now, feel God's love. Breathe Him in. Breathe fear out. Breathe Him in. Breathe lies out. Breathe Him in. Breathe pain out. Now breathe Him in. Over and over just breathe God. You are loved.