I Used That Shampoo

"Don't put the dog shampoo in the other shampoo bottles!" was the loud and clear statement delivered to My Beloved's five-year-old mini me by Horsegirl as she came out of the bathroom. Of course little brother insisted he hadn't done such a thing. Equally sure was Horsegirl's insistence that he had.

As they continued their discussion, the reason the shampoo bottle had seemed to be fuller and smelled different than I remembered while showering earlier became clear. Now the question was whether or not to keep this to myself. Listening to the pointless, yet heated, exchange between my 19 and 5 year old children about how the shampoo was for dogs not people and how it had essential oils added to it and ... and .... and ... , I decided perhaps a distraction was needed. 

The expression on Horsegirl's face when the realization that her mother had already used the dog shampoo hidden inside the people's shampoo bottle finally permeated through the heated fog of arguing? Well, suffice it to say I'm still smiling hours later. Several moments of stunned silence followed the announcement before Horsegirl declared that at least I won't have fleas or ticks and went off to bed.

Sometimes a distraction is all that's needed.

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