To Know Love

As my children grow and become adults, I have realized something. The only thing they really want From me as a mother is to know I love them, to know I am always going to love them, no matter what. All of the other stuff is good, but in the hard times, when there is only room for the bare bones necessities, love is what remains. It isn't trips to amusement parks, fancy vacations, or over the top parties they long for. It's Mama's unconditional, never-ending love. Mama is a safe haven in the storm, a place for weary, battleworn children to rest and heal. Home being wrapped in my love is what my children want.

And isn't that what I want as a parent too? Isn't a safe shelter of rest and peaceful security in the middle of the darkest night what I long for? A place where I am known, loved, and wanted, no matter how big and overwhelming my mess, is what my heart yearns for when life gets too hard and too nasty. Why would it surprise me to learn my children desire the same thing? And why do I spend so much time on unimportant, unnecessary things when all they want and need is love?

Everything my children need I already have in my heart to give. Everything I need God has already given. May I rest in His love and wrap myself in His love. More importantly may my children rest in Him too. God is love, and we are His. We are so loved...

Living loved,
Abundantly Blessed

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