Beautiful Books of Wisdom and Grace

 Holidays. Bittersweet moments that are both beautiful and brutal, all at the same time. Nothing seems to bring out the human side of humanity like the holiday season. Maybe it's the emotions attached to the season or maybe it's the emotions memories of the past seasons stir up and bring to mind. Whatever it is, here are a few books that might be helpful in navigating the coming days with emotional intelligence and grace. There are many more, but these are the ones I have personally read. Having read these myself, I feel more confident recommending them.

  • The Holy Bible - The first and foremost source of wisdom, life, and love ALWAYS
  • Giving Your Words: The Lifegiving Power of a Verbal Home for Family Faith Formation by Sally and Clay Clarkson - This is the newest book to enter our home, and I am consuming it bite by delicious, lifegiving bite. The Clarkson family truly has a gift for sharing gracious words of life and love. 
  • Mom Heart Moments: Daily Devotions for Lifegiving Motherhood by Sally Clarkson - daily encouragement and delight for strengthening the entire person, spirit, soul, and body. It will last long after the holidays have gone.
  • A Family Shaped by Grace: How to Get Along With the People Who Matter Most by Gary Morland - A personal favorite I keep recommending over and over that is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for navigating the holiday season!
  • Rivers of Grace: Raising children by the Spirit rather than the law by Mark and Patti Virkler - For parenting but useful for all relationships
  • All of the Emotionally Healthy books by the Scazzero family - these books were responsible for introducing me to the necessity of strong emotional health.
  • The Seven Mountain Mantle: Receiving the Joseph Anointing to Reform Nations by Johnny Enlow - not necessarily dealing with relationships but a good reminder of where we are as a nation and the importance of fostering healthy relationships for the well-being of ourselves and country
  • The Beautiful Truth: How God's Goodness Breaks Into Our Darkness by Sarah Clarkson - Just. So. Beautiful. I could read this book over and over and over again just because. Sarah Clarkson's writing is pure poetry that revives the dry soul and shines the light of God's love in a beautiful way. Sally Clarkson is her mother. This family and their words - beautiful. A lovely addition to the beauty of the season.
And, if you feel as if you are already sinking in the relational depths of the season, here's a life preserver book for you:
  • Help, I'm Drowning: Weathering the Storms of Life with GRACE and HOPE by Sally Clarkson - I haven't finished this book yet, but have been blessed by what I have read thus far. The Beautiful Truth by Sarah Clarkson (listed above) could also be listed in the life preserver category; there is so much healing beauty in this book. It is my favorite read in a VERY long time. 
And ONE MORE, just because I can:
  • Becoming a Superhero: A Pocket Guide to Life Like David by Johnny Enlow - a super quick read that of course I love because, hello, David. This would be an EXCELLENT stocking stuffer, if still available in hardcopy form. An added bonus for true bookworms is that this little book looks beautiful on the shelf with it's black cover and golden embossed words. 

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