The Joys of the Easily Amused

You know how it's said the right tool makes all the difference in the world? Well, whoever said it is right. Several months ago I used some of my Christmas money to purchase some lambs wool dusters and a lambs wool dust mop. The dusters came as a set with three different sizes. To say I'm pleased with my purchase would be an understatement. I am thrilled with these dusters! 

Thanks to this set of dusters I can dust my house with no assistance!!! My "helpers" may be more thrilled than I since dusting is one of their lease favorite jobs. The dusters have different handle lengths that enable me to dust pictures, window casings, trim, elk antlers, walls, transoms, all sorts of places and items without standing on a chair or stool or requesting help from others. I love it! When the house is all dusty, I just grab one of my dusters and swoosh through the house dusting everything that isn't moving and maybe some things that are. 

AND on those days I am busy with other things, my youngest helper is just a bit more willing to help with a puffy lambs wool duster to use. Why did I wait so long to try dusters? Why did I use dust rags and lift every little item on every surface when I could have been using a duster that makes it possible to dust well without having to move much of anything - and takes a fraction of the time? Why? I don't know.

Neither do I know why it is so much fun to shampoo them when they are dirty, but it is. Maybe because it is so different than grabbing a dust rag out of the rag drawer and throwing it into the dirty laundry when done with it, more "grownup" and/or official. If you purchase any for yourself do be aware they smell like a wet animal when wetting them down to shampoo them. I should have known they would being made of lambs wool, but the smell took me off guard at first. It wasn't horrid or overpowering, but it was definitely there. Somehow that too was part of the fun. The joys of the easily amused, I guess.

Speaking of joys, another new set of tools is enabling me to participate in one of my most loved joys, working in my flower gardens; they are gardening tools with full-length handles. The full-length handles make it possible for me to hoe and weed without having to go up and down on my knees. I couldn't work in my flower bed much last year at all because I just couldn't manage the getting up and down. This year I am not only able to weed, but also to begin making changes towards the future in regards to locations and number of beds. 

New means change, and change requires work. Thanks to these new dusters and garden tools I can do most of the work myself again. Not only is it increasingly important for me to be able to do the work myself because my "helpers" are all growing up, but I like dusting and working in my flower beds. It fills me with an inner energy. It's good for me. Which is why I now advise everyone to invest in tools that make your responsibilities easier. If an item you wouldn't ordinarily spend money on enables you to remain independent and do a job yourself, save up and get it. It will be worth every penny, it will increase your emotional well-being, and it might even be fun.

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