Munchies for Monday!
Happy week of July 12! With summer weather upon us, baking is the last thing on many of our minds. Anything that helps us avoid cranking up the stove is wonderful. In honor of summer's heat, we are posting a link to some sweet treats that will keep you cool. We do want to let it be known ahead of time that the ingredients in these treats are neither inexpensive (unless you have stocked up at sale time) nor completely healthy, but they are cool, delicious, and quick to make. So, enjoy the savings on your time as you savor every bite of these yummy summer treats we found in a recent newsletter from Everyday Cheapskate.
To find the yummies, go to, click on the DPL resources tab, click on Everyday Cheapskate, and then, click on the Easy Summertime Desserts, No Oven Required title. Trust me, the desserts are worth all of the clicks it takes to get there. For more money-saving tips and ideas you can subscribe to the Everyday Cheapskate enewsletter for free while at Debt Proof Living.