Tip for Thursday - Free Tall Starbucks Coffee

Hey, hey, hey, it's already a great day! While skimming over my emails, I came across a juicy little freebie. A free tall Starbucks coffee for anyone who goes to a Barnes and Noble Cafe' and shows the server the ebook they are reading on their ereader app. It could be on any mobile device the ereader app available from Barnes and Noble's website has been downloaded too. Those readers who actually have and use any of these devices will know exactly what this is all about. I know what the advertisement is referring to, but not having a mobile device OR a Barnes and Noble store, I don't get to take advantage of this offer. It is, however, Thursday's Thrifty Tip for those of you who can use it. For the rest of us, I'll pass on the fact that Barnes and Noble has some amazing clearance sales online right now. If you have been "waiting" (see earlier post) and praying for good quality gifts for Christmas and/or other occasions at inexpensive prices, this may be what you've been waiting for! There are books available for as little as $1.78, some maybe less. Over 10 thousand books are on sale. I only viewed the first 100 and saw many that would make very nice gifts for birthdays, showers, and Christmas too. If your students are needing any of the classics, I saw some of those also. A free shipping offer for orders over $25 is available as well increasing the savings potential even more. Finally, a couple of tips thrown in just because it's summer, and summer is my very, most favorite season of the year. Tip: When out hiking/scouting/nature walking, always make sure to ask permission before entering private property. Also, no matter how tempting, remember to likewise ask permission to take home any "specimens or treasures". That perfect pinecone or wildflower may be screaming your name, but if it isn't on your own property, it isn't yours. To take it would be stealing. Many landowners will be happy to share. They, like all of us, deserve the respect of being asked first. Besides, practicing courtesy for others is always a good decision. Prior Permission is this tip's name. Tip: Consider planting a "free" flower garden using native wildflowers gathered during summer outtings. (Now you know why we shared the previous tip) The colors of wildflowers are predesigned by God so require no guessing as to what goes where with what. Also, a number of plants growing in the wild have beautiful foliage that adds depth, texture, and loveliness to any planting bed. So don't forget to consider the non-flowering grasses and plants too. Keep an eye out for the type of soil and moisture level from which each plant was taken. This will provide information necessary to successfully maintaining each plant later on. For instance, wildflowers gathered from along the bank of a stream may not flourish if grown under the same conditions as a wild cactus. It may also be helpful to observe the wildflowers in the area for several seasons before collecting. Observing the plants and flowers first allows a gardener to determine many things about each one before placing them in their own yard. Some wildflowers are quite invasive and would be perfect for containers while others are gorgeous while in bloom, but quite unattractive a.k.a. ugly throughout the rest of year. Watching them grow before gathering would reveal which plants fit your individual style of gardening. If you have a heart that aches to grow beautiful things but the bank account doesn't allow for extra purchases, look around for other options. "Where there's a will, there's a way." Option #2: See if a gardener friend or neighbor would be willing to trade help in their garden in exchange for any plants they thin out. There may be elderly people around you who would find an arrangement such as this an answer to prayer. Such an arrangement has the potential of an immense learning opportunity for the beginning gardener as well. Friday is going to be fabulous so enjoy Thursday's tips, and don't forget to "Stop and smell the ink" while you're at Barnes and Noble for me. (Only true booklovers will know what I'm talking about with that comment.) Tipping on Thursday, Blessed Mama [Please note: I did NOT say "tipsy" on Thursday]

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