Blogs of Note
Good Morning! I have just discovered a blog that I completely understand! This is a first for me. There are a number of blogs I enjoy, even more that I receive inspiration from, and a few that make me laugh, but none I completely understand, until now. is a blog of note on google so I checked it out. I hadn't read long before I was laughing with understanding and delight. Neither did it take long for me to realize that as much as I understood this author, and as much as I enjoyed the postings, I immediately knew that nitpicking is NOT the type of reading that will bring me closer to Christ. A Christ-like attitude will probably not be developed if I feed on this type of word, even though I did enjoy it immensely. Is the blog I read wrong? Absolutely not! As a matter of fact, a lot of writers could be helped tremendously by receiving such critiquing. So why is it such material isn't good for me? Simply because I am more than able to nit-pick all on my own. The Bible says that "iron sharpens iron".(Proverbs 27:17) Sharpening that particular ability flaw may not be in my best interest. Honing my skill at spying imperfections definitely won't bless my family or those around me, unless they need me to edit a paper. Above all, I will NOT become more like Jesus if I spend my time looking for flaws in everything I see and read.
This was one of those strictly personal decisions each of us makes every day. Everyone of us has an ability and/or skill that has the potential of morphing into a flaw if we don't make purposeful decisions to keep it in check. I am so thankful for the quick prompting of the Holy Spirit alerting me this morning. Nothing major took place. Sirens didn't go off; red lights weren't flashing. A quick thought that I don't need this kind of influence is all there was, followed by a rush of thankfulness for the warning. What about you?
PS -Choosing not to read the Throw the Grammar From the Train Blog has nothing to do with the blog itself. No fault-finding was intended against Throw the Grammar From the Train Blog. If you are needing some help in the grammar department and prefer real life examples to learn from, Throw the grammar from the Train would be an excellent tool and resource.
This was one of those strictly personal decisions each of us makes every day. Everyone of us has an ability and/or skill that has the potential of morphing into a flaw if we don't make purposeful decisions to keep it in check. I am so thankful for the quick prompting of the Holy Spirit alerting me this morning. Nothing major took place. Sirens didn't go off; red lights weren't flashing. A quick thought that I don't need this kind of influence is all there was, followed by a rush of thankfulness for the warning. What about you?
- Is there an area of your life that doesn't need feeding?
- Are there certain blogs, books, or TV shows that feed a part of you that doesn't need fed?
- What do you do to keep skills that could become flaws from taking over?
PS -Choosing not to read the Throw the Grammar From the Train Blog has nothing to do with the blog itself. No fault-finding was intended against Throw the Grammar From the Train Blog. If you are needing some help in the grammar department and prefer real life examples to learn from, Throw the grammar from the Train would be an excellent tool and resource.