Thoughts on Be Perfect
THOUGHTS FROM THE HEART: Yesterday I began a devotional by Andrew Murray titled Be Perfect. The prayer at the beginning of the book seemed to have been written from my heart. My heart's desire couldn't have been expressed so perfectly; even if I had written the prayer myself. I pray that you too find yourself praying along with heartfelt sincerity.
"Ever blessed Father! Thou hast sent me a message by Thy beloved Son that I am to be perfect as Thou art. Coming from Thee, O Thou incomprehensible and most glorious God, it means more than man can grasp. Coming to Thee, I ask that Thou wouldst Thyself teach me what it means, work in me what it claims, give me what it promises.
My Father! I accept the word in the obedience of faith. I would yield my life to its rule. I would hide it in my heart as a living seed, in the assurance that there, deeper than thought or feeling, Thy Holy Spirit can make it strike root and grow up.
And as I go through Thy Word, to meditate on what it says of the path of the perfect, teach me, O my Father, to bring every thought of mine captive to the obedience of Christ, and to wait for that teaching of Thy Holy Spirit which is so sure to the upright in heart. In Him with whom Thou hast sent me the message, give me the answer to this prayer too. Amen."
These highlighted passages are some that I find myself reading over and over again. There is so much to learn of walking by faith even in this one prayer! How much my heart and life may be changed as learn of being perfect while reading this book. The author ends Chapter One with several questions. "Can God say of me as of Noah and Job, of David and Asa, that my heart is perfect with the Lord my God? Have I given myself up to say that there must be nothing, nothing whatever, to share my heart with God and His will? Is a heart perfect with the Lord my God the object of my desire, my prayer, my faith, my hope?" I invite you to join me on the journey of "being perfect" as my Father in heaven is perfect. (italics and underlining mine)
GARDEN NEWS: Little one has harvested her peas!! How excited we all were! Three little pea pods brought great excitement and joy to our home this afternoon as my four-year-old daughter tasted the first pea from her pea plants. More beans were picked this afternoon and several tomatoes too---YEA!!! I might get a pint of sauce. That would be better than none. Next week will see me planting Hollyhock seeds and any other flowers that will be better off going in this fall.
KITCHEN HAPPENINGS: While we haven't quite gotten once a month cooking down pat, progress is definitely being made. Extras are regularly being made and placed in the freezer for meals later on. What a blessing this new practice has been to our family. Not only does it use less financial resources, having something ready to grab and heat up removes loads of stress and frees up time as well. Not every new idea is one that we use again, but making extra food and freezing for later use is a keeper. I just can't explain the wonderful freedom not wondering what to have for supper gives. Our sister blog, Living Large on Less, will have more articles on once a month cooking coming in the future. I will try and include a heads up here on A Mother's Reward when they are posted so you can head on over to read them.
HOLIDAY HARVEST: Harvest and Holidays are some of our family's favorite times of year. As a matter of fact, the past couple of days have seen me taking a few minutes to stroll through a favorite Christmas book for this year's gift ideas. Yes, I already have two "definitely doing this" ideas picked out. How do you get ready for Holiday gift-giving at your house? If this year's Holiday season finds you wanting or needing to be more organized in your planning, the planners at may be just what you're looking for. There is a Christmas/Holiday planner available for free download and printing.
ON THE HOME FRONT: Transitioning into a new season seems to heighten my decorating senses, or maybe it's just an excuse to switch out our home's accessories. Either way, I've been looking through the magazines with an eye towards what I can do in my house. Catalogs are great places to find new inspiration for decorating the home. I may not purchase the expensive furniture in the catalog, but I bet I can find some awesome ideas for accessorizing my rooms with items I already have. "I never thought about using that to decorate with." is a comment I often make while looking through catalogs. So go ahead, sign up to receive some of the many free catalogs available, even if you don't have the resources to make purchases. Ideas and inspiration are waiting inside, just for you. Some of my favorite idea givers are Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, Ballard Designs, & Ikea. Speaking of Ikea, they have some really, really reasonable prices on basic housekeeping items.
I think that catches us up on all of our visits from the past couple of weeks. Several topics have been thrown out in our little chats and I didn't want to leave too many loose ends flying around. Please feel free to leave a comment on the blog anytime you want to. All comments are welcome. I want to send an extra special thank you to Jessica, my sis-in-love for sharing the fun ideas and picture. If you missed those posts, they can be found in the archives listed on the right-hand side of the blog.
We'll say good-bye with another quote from Be Perfect by Andrew Murray. "Make the promise of God's Word your own: 'The God of peace himself perfect you.' The God, who is of power to do above all we ask or think, will open up to you the blessed prospect of a life of which He shall say: 'His heart was perfect with the Lord his God.' "
*As always, all websites, books, catalogs mentioned in this post are simply suggestions. I am not receiving any kickbacks or reimbursements for mentioning them.