Waste Not Wednesday---It's Warm!

Hi There!  It's warm enough to go without a coat outside today!  The warm and sunny weather is so rejuvenating and inspiring that I couldn't resist sending out a quick, little Waste Not Wednesday post.  Spring will soon be here.  When thinking of Spring one's thoughts immediately turn to green grass, warm breezes, flowers, and Easter.  Knowing that Winter may very well have another storm or two before leaving, it's still not too early to think "Spring".  If you, like me, are ready for more than a little teasing taste of warm weather, today's post may provide that blush of green to get you through until Spring has actually sprung for real.

Today we are going to plant some grass, but not outside.  That's right.  We are going to find a container and plant ourselves some springtime cheer.  Any container will work, a basket, tin can, wooden tray, box, bowl, teacup, anything.  Just make sure the container chosen is washable or can be recycled in some way; it will have potting soil in it.  Once the container is chosen, fill with potting soil, sprinkle soil with grass seed of choice, and water.  In approx. 10 days to two weeks, a blush of green will begin sweeping over the container top as grass begins growing.  Just like a lawn, the grass will need regular watering and trimming. 
The only thing left to do will be to enjoy. 

Before I head on out to hang some more laundry on the line, it's perfect weather for hanging bed linens out, I want to toss out a reminder that now is the time to begin preparing for spring gardens.  Growing food for the family is one of the hottest money-saving suggestions out there right now.  Garden-growing tips, ideas, and products abound both on and off line.  If growing the garden from seed, we at Living Large on less would like to suggest investing in vegetable seeds that will produce vegetables and fruit from which seeds can be harvested and saved for next year's planting.  Purchasing heirloom or non-hybrid seeds may cost more initially, but will save in the long run.  Using this type of seed means you won't ever have to purchase seeds again, unless you are adding new types of produce to your garden.  Purchase once, use as long as you wish, now that's Living Large on Less.

Laundry time!  The clothesline is calling my name.  We've got to get together for visiting more often.  There are so many Living Large on Less ideas for us to talk about, and Not of This World has some amazing photos to share!  Oh, by the way, thank you Grandma for sending birthday love to Not of This World in response to the secret birthday post we sent out.  She was surprised.  For those who missed out on the birthday surprise, feel free to send some extra love that way anytime at youcanlivelargeonless@gmail.com

Also...Living Large on Less will be meeting with all of its contributors, and some new, to brainstorm and organize posts for the coming year.  If there is any topic you would like to see or know more about, please feel free to send information, ideas, tips, advice, questions, or any other comments to youcanlivelargeonless@gmail.com.  We love hearing from readers and would like to know what interests you.  Talk to you later, Blessed Mama

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