Just Needs Some Lovins'
A Mother's Rewards has one cat, just one, large purring bundle of pure spoiledness. This spoiled, rotten bundle of fur earns his keep by being an excellent hunter of mice. He is also an OUTSIDE cat. Being so abundantly loved, the feline member of our family regularly finds himself lugged inside by his human playmates. This afternoon was one of those times. As Giggle carried her very large friend like a baby around the house, I reminded her of the cat's place outdoors. "He just needs his luvins' Mama" was the reason laid out as she brought her big baby to me so that I could meet the stated need. Of course I obliged. After all, there is a reason pets become spoiled family members around here, and it isn't only the kids either:)
"He just needs his luvins' " repeated itself after Giggle had left to return her precious bundle outside. "Eveyone does." came the quiet words of the Father. How often do I allow myself to be cradled in the Father's arms and loved on? How amazing it would feel to just lay back and let Someone lavish me with abundant loving affection! Why do I keep myself in such a state of mental busyness? The more I think on needing luvins, the more I realize that the Heavenly Father isn't the only one wanting to lavish "luvins" on me. Remembrances of times My Beloved and my children stand by waiting for me to get done being busy. Grief pierces my heart as I think of all the times the busyness lasted long and my heart loves slipped quietly away, "luvins" left undone.
Dear God, I confess the busy coldness of an unfocused heart and mind. Too often I have practiced the ways of Martha when following Mary would have been best. (Luke 10:38-42 AMP) I pray that You will teach me Your way. That from this day I will sit at Your feet and "get my luvins". In Jesus' name, Amen