Romance: What Is It To You?
Photo courtesy As I See It Photography
Ahhhhhhh, Spring, that glorious time of the year when it seems as if all of nature gets “twitter pated” (reference Bambi, movie). Birds are fussing over territory and mates with chests puffed out, plumage displayed, and colors bright. I can’t help but notice all of the effort, time, and trouble these creatures take to secure and/or protect their mate. At a moment’s notice, the gander on the pond will lower his neck and chase away any threat, real or imagined, to his “wife” seated on the nest. The red-winged black birds are performing strange little “routines” in an attempt to attract a female’s notice. Pheasants are fussing over territory before gathering their yearly harem. Tom turkeys are strutting around with feathers puffed and spread their blue necks contrasting sharply with their bright red waddles.
The question scratching the inside of my brain today is “Why should the romance of Spring be only for the birds?” Winter seemed to last much longer than normal this year and even today the snow still falls a bit. I’m ready for something new, something fun, something HOT! A few days have been warm. The pond is no longer covered in ice, and the faucets no longer runs at night to prevent frozen pipes. Garden seeds are being planted inside to grow plants for a new garden. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for each of us to shake off the numbing doldrums cold weather often creates and stir up some fresh, new romance with Our Beloveds? Come on, you know you want to, and if you really, truly don’t, then you probably need to. Why should the birds have all the fun? If you, like me, are wondering where to start, check out this link at Time For Tea Magazine. Cindy Rushton is a true woman of God. The ideas she and her husband share in their Romance Cheat Sheet are not only doable but fun--no tacky, whacked out, chick-only ideas here.
After reading through them, use the ideas shared by the Rushtons as a springboard for your own, unique ideas, ones that are perfect for you and your beloved. Let’s all get going, shake the dust off our brains, do some mental stretches, and show those birds how it’s done. Creatures from the animal world instinctively know attracting and keeping a mate require effort and personal sacrifice. Unlike our animal friends, we humans tend to get lazy or so busy that romancing our beloved gets shoved to the back burner. (If it makes it to the stove at all) I assure you that when the yearly pre-mating season gets going, all of those pheasants, geese, turkeys, grouse, blackbirds, and prairie chickens don’t care a fig how they appear to the rest of the world. One thing and one thing only becomes their focus---get the girl. I know that I needed reminding of this.
Now, let’s remember not to leave all of the romancing on the shoulders of our beloveds. Romance is a two way street. Let’s give as good, or better, than we get. Also, let’s make sure that we don’t conveniently arrange for our beloveds to “find” the above Romance Cheat Sheet so that they can romance us. No, no, no. Each one of us are going to shake off winter’s dullness, fluff our feathers, brighten our colors, and romance our beloveds first. Then if they want to join in the twitterpation of Spring, so much the better. Go ahead, take a deep breath, spring is here, and romance shouldn’t be only for the birds.