It Cost Me Nothing Series
Disclaimer: Every once in a while, instead of posting a tip, idea, or recipe, a bit wordier article comes along. Plans are NOT for this article to be one of those wordier epistles. However, no guarantees are being made.
One doesn’t have to stroll very far to hear or witness tales of reduced financial resources. Natural disasters and economic downturns have affected almost every segment of society. Few remain uninfluenced by the current economic condition of our nation. Abundance blog was begun as Living Large on Less for the purpose of sharing our collective experience of living well while using less, sometimes much less, financial currency aka money. We’re going to be taking this purpose in the upcoming weeks and running with it by sharing a variety of suggestions for living well, not on less, but on almost nothing. Some of the ideas we share will honestly, truly cost nothing, absolutely nothing. Other ideas will cost a bit, but all will fall well within the boundaries of frugal.
Don’t click out of the page yet! Please! Stay a little while longer. Abundance has no desire to take you on a tour of how to merely survive. Read the blog title and accompanying scripture again; we’re all about Abundance through Christ here. Believing with all of our hearts that Christ has come to give us life and that more abundantly, (John 10:10) these ideas are for celebrations. Realizing that terms such as “for a reasonable amount” and “without much money” are relative terms that will have different meanings for each reader, every idea will likely contain a variety of options. This will allow each reader to grab hold of an idea and optimize it for their personal situation. The staff at Abundance hopes and prays you enjoy our upcoming series of “It Cost Me Nothing” posts. (Photos will be provided by As I See It photography.)
One doesn’t have to stroll very far to hear or witness tales of reduced financial resources. Natural disasters and economic downturns have affected almost every segment of society. Few remain uninfluenced by the current economic condition of our nation. Abundance blog was begun as Living Large on Less for the purpose of sharing our collective experience of living well while using less, sometimes much less, financial currency aka money. We’re going to be taking this purpose in the upcoming weeks and running with it by sharing a variety of suggestions for living well, not on less, but on almost nothing. Some of the ideas we share will honestly, truly cost nothing, absolutely nothing. Other ideas will cost a bit, but all will fall well within the boundaries of frugal.
Don’t click out of the page yet! Please! Stay a little while longer. Abundance has no desire to take you on a tour of how to merely survive. Read the blog title and accompanying scripture again; we’re all about Abundance through Christ here. Believing with all of our hearts that Christ has come to give us life and that more abundantly, (John 10:10) these ideas are for celebrations. Realizing that terms such as “for a reasonable amount” and “without much money” are relative terms that will have different meanings for each reader, every idea will likely contain a variety of options. This will allow each reader to grab hold of an idea and optimize it for their personal situation. The staff at Abundance hopes and prays you enjoy our upcoming series of “It Cost Me Nothing” posts. (Photos will be provided by As I See It photography.)