It's a Wrap
Here is your official permission to put on your favorite Christmas tunes, heat up the tea kettle for a hot drink, and have some wrapping fun. I saw this fun, inexpensive gift wrapping idea and had to share. Packages are wrapped with brown craft paper and labeled with letters cut out from printed paper. If you have a die cut machine, this would be a snap. However, letters cut out from stencils or freehand would work just as well. Brown paper sacks and newspapers could provide this look for minimal expense.

Guess what the gifts under our tree are going to look like this year? Maybe not all of them. There are too many fun ideas to limit our wrapping to one style this year. Usually, we go with one look, but not this year. This year we are following our family anthem of "Blessed Randomness" and trying a variety of wrapping techniques. Besides, I'm seeing pinecones hanging from the ends of jute twine embellishing our packages. Pinecones never go out of style at the Abundance house. If I had any red and/or green raffia or cord, I might use that along with the jute and string some tiny brass jingle bells onto the ends of the string/cord just for fun. Hmmm, now that I mention it, I think I do have some colored cord around here someplace and there used to be some jingle bells in that one tote...gotta go! Merry Christmas! I pray you enjoy celebrating Jesus even in the wrapping of gifts.
Hey!!! Empty boxes wrapped up as gifts provide free, or almost free, decorations during the holiday season too! Almost forgot about that. They also serve as a reminder of the gifts given to the Christ child by the Magi and that opens up the opportunity to share the story of Jesus with our children and/or others who spend time in our homes throughout the season. Okay, now I really do have to go. I'm seeing playdough boxes coming out. Intervention needed.
Guess what the gifts under our tree are going to look like this year? Maybe not all of them. There are too many fun ideas to limit our wrapping to one style this year. Usually, we go with one look, but not this year. This year we are following our family anthem of "Blessed Randomness" and trying a variety of wrapping techniques. Besides, I'm seeing pinecones hanging from the ends of jute twine embellishing our packages. Pinecones never go out of style at the Abundance house. If I had any red and/or green raffia or cord, I might use that along with the jute and string some tiny brass jingle bells onto the ends of the string/cord just for fun. Hmmm, now that I mention it, I think I do have some colored cord around here someplace and there used to be some jingle bells in that one tote...gotta go! Merry Christmas! I pray you enjoy celebrating Jesus even in the wrapping of gifts.
Hey!!! Empty boxes wrapped up as gifts provide free, or almost free, decorations during the holiday season too! Almost forgot about that. They also serve as a reminder of the gifts given to the Christ child by the Magi and that opens up the opportunity to share the story of Jesus with our children and/or others who spend time in our homes throughout the season. Okay, now I really do have to go. I'm seeing playdough boxes coming out. Intervention needed.