Lessons From Mother
I was visiting Marmee Dear's new website and found the perfect little lesson on the miscellaneous page. However, since I'm not sure how copyrighting works in this instance, I am going to play it safe and provide a link for everyone to click on and pop in for a visit in their own time. Otherwise, I would provide the lesson itself. Know that you will be blessed for taking the time to stop in. It is a "Lesson from Mother" we all can glean from. It seemed especially timely to begin a new year with and for me personally as I clean up sickness from small children. By the way, I want to be a coffee bean. How about you? Here's the link: http://marmeedearandcompany.com/category/miscellanies/ .
P.S. - There are some really cute, inexpensive ideas in the DIY section along with freebies and printables that might be just the thing you have been looking for. I saved several to use throughout the coming day(s).
P.S. - There are some really cute, inexpensive ideas in the DIY section along with freebies and printables that might be just the thing you have been looking for. I saved several to use throughout the coming day(s).