
Hi! Come on in! If we look like we're laughing it's because we are, but not at you. Victorious Man of God slipped into Not of This World's bedroom and got into one of her Christmas gifts, a favorite candy treat. When she discovered what he had done, she informed him that those were not his treats. Victorious Man of God's response to her was "Oh, ours." Ours. Seriously? Ours? Oh my. It was probably only funny if you were here at the time, but it was funny. Truly it was.

Funny must be the order of the day around here. At the dinner table earlier Miss Giggle brought the house down. Her older sister, Horsegirl, was telling us there are lick tubs (supplements for livestock) created specifically for times of drought. Little Miss Giggle with a completely deadpan face remarked "Yeah, they're filled with water." These children! How funny they are! At only eight-years-old Miss Giggle spits out the funny on a regular basis. Little Mr. Victorious Man of God isn't far behind in the humor department either, though his funnies aren't intentional like his older sister Miss Giggle's. VMOG's funny escapades are just a natural occurance as he learns to navigate and communicate in a house filled with adults, people of adult age anyway.

A few minutes after making us shake our heads and laugh with his declaration that sister's treats were an "Ours" item he once again made us smile with laughter. Not of This World was explaining to him that she was going to take some raw milk and make ice cream with it. Upon hearing that ice cream was being made he instantly requested that sister "Up me". "Up me" is VMOG for "Would you please put me on the counter so I can watch?" After depositing him up beside her, Not of This World continued talking to VMOG about the ice cream making. Victorious Man of God watched for a bit before saying "Oh, cream." It wasn't long before he saw the whipped topping being added to the homemade ice cream mixture. His comment upon seeing the whipped topping was "Oh, pie."  Even a young man who has been two-years-old for just over a week knows that whipped cream topping and pie go together. We had to smile right out loud at this comment. Now, to make sure he doesn't try and get out the ingredients to make the pie:)

It has been so long since we got together! I'm glad you stopped by this afternoon. It is a warm, sunny Saturday perfect for visiting. Sunshiny days like today bring on an eagerness to set up the front porch for the warm days of spring and summer. I enjoy cozy days with a fire crackling in the woodstove immensely, but warm evenings on the front porch are nice too. Tiny sprouts of future garden veggies growing on the counter tease the summer loving side of me even more. Speaking of which, there will be other seeds to start in a couple of weeks. Quite a lot remains to be done before the spring/summer season officially arrives, and calving continues right on through the middle of it all. Never a shortage of things to do. Better get my winter reading done while the evenings are still somewhat longer in length. Maybe there will be time to talk about what we're reading next visit.

Thank you for stopping by! Loved having you. Always do. We'll make tea and coffee next time. Hugs and prayers!

Abundantly Blessed

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