Magnificent Obsession
Hi Friend! Did you read yesterday's post? I just can't get away from the thoughts Sean Malone shared with us, especially the part about God's shakings being redemptive in nature. Do you mind if we chat some more about it? The teapot is full; here's a cup. There are scones and lemon curd too, if you want. Are you settled in and comfy? Need a blanket? Here's one. So, here's what's going round and round in my thoughts from yesterday:
These are words I keep returning to, or keep returning to me.
As I search my heart I know that I am not living fully for and through Him. There are distractions. My heart is not tender and free from the cares of this life. I may be less distracted and less bound by cares than I used to be, but I am not fully living for and through Him yet. My heart is not completely tender and free. I want what is on His heart to be what is on mine. I want Him to be my magnificent obsession.
Magnificent obsession. I love the way that sounds when read and spoken. Magnificent obsession. Now that's loving the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves. Magnificent obsession. When what is on God's heart is on ours we are obsessed with Him in a very magnificent way, and that is a very good thing, a very good thing indeed.
I can't help but wonder at the vast difference there will be between my future days and now. When my heart is finally tender and free from the cares of this life and I am living fully for and through Him, then, and only then, I will be able to love and serve as He loves and serves. Then I will truly be prepared.
Now to get rid of distractions.
Seeking Him first and foremost,
Abundantly Blessed
Just a reminder that the quote in today's post came from the Elijah List website. The author's contact info. along with that of the Elijah List website is as follows:
"What distractions are in your life that keep you from loving Him and others wholeheartedly? Right now is your heart tender and free from the cares of this life? Is He truly your magnificent obsession? Are you living fully for Him and through Him? Secondly, right now do you love others as yourself and carry a burden for the lost among the nations? This should serve as a tuning fork for our hearts because it is what is on His heart. "
Sean Malone "Responding in Faith Not Fear"
These are words I keep returning to, or keep returning to me.
As I search my heart I know that I am not living fully for and through Him. There are distractions. My heart is not tender and free from the cares of this life. I may be less distracted and less bound by cares than I used to be, but I am not fully living for and through Him yet. My heart is not completely tender and free. I want what is on His heart to be what is on mine. I want Him to be my magnificent obsession.
Magnificent obsession. I love the way that sounds when read and spoken. Magnificent obsession. Now that's loving the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves. Magnificent obsession. When what is on God's heart is on ours we are obsessed with Him in a very magnificent way, and that is a very good thing, a very good thing indeed.
I can't help but wonder at the vast difference there will be between my future days and now. When my heart is finally tender and free from the cares of this life and I am living fully for and through Him, then, and only then, I will be able to love and serve as He loves and serves. Then I will truly be prepared.
Now to get rid of distractions.
Seeking Him first and foremost,
Abundantly Blessed
Just a reminder that the quote in today's post came from the Elijah List website. The author's contact info. along with that of the Elijah List website is as follows:
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News