Words to Encourage

Words to encourage shared with us from the Elijah List website. Praying these words go forth and bring the light of hope to shatter the darkness that is attempting to slide in around and through the very middle of an entire nation and world.
Abundantly Blessed @ Abundance House

Garris Elkins, Pamela Koefoed and Michael Kroning: "Prophetic Words of Hope and Encouragement Over Roseburg and Oregon"

by Garris Elkins, Pamela Koefoed and Michael Kroning
Oct 9, 2015

From Elijah List Publications and Our Entire Staff:

As fellow Oregonians we are saddened and heart-broken by the senseless shooting tragedy that happened in Roseburg, Oregon last week at Umpqua Community College. For those who don't know, Elijah List Ministries is located in Albany, OR. about 2 hours away from Roseburg.

Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of this tragic event, the entire community and the leaders who are dealing with this firsthand. We mourn with those who mourn...

As Christians we know that our God always, always has a great plan of redemption in EVERY situation that this world faces... and so it is with Roseburg.
We are posting a special article today from authors and ministry leaders who are from the Roseburg area and Southern Oregon – Garris Elkins, Pamela Koefoed and Michael Kroning. In this article you will find words filled with hope and encouragement from the very heart of God for Roseburg and for Oregon.

These leaders have sought the Lord for words to speak over this community and our state. We pray that those in the Roseburg area would be covered in God's unlimited peace and comfort and be filled with "the God of Hope" in this difficult time.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Many blessings from the entire Elijah List Staff.
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe just below...

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

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"A God-Resolution for Roseburg, Oregon" 
Garris Elkins, Medford, OR

The shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon has filled our hearts with sorrow. I live in Southern Oregon, and know many of the pastors and churches involved in the healing process that is now just beginning. One of these selfless servants is a young pastor who is a chaplain for the first responders. He was there when bodies of the victims were first removed from the scene. He saw things no one should ever have to see.

This week, after I talked with some of these church leaders, I needed to get away and process what I was feeling. I took a long walk along a country road and began to pray. As I walked, I felt the Lord remind me of something a young man said to me years ago. What made Christianity so appealing to him was the resolution it provided for the pain and sorrow we experience. Christianity provides resolution for the most challenging and painful things we will encounter in this world – painful events that take place without reason or explanation. Evil has no good purpose.
The enemy comes only to steal, kill and destroy.

As I pondered the wisdom of this young man's words, I realized how right he was. Jesus is God's resolution for all the pain and sorrow of humanity. With Jesus the resolution for death is resurrection. The resolution for moments of deepest darkness is the brilliant revelation of truth. The resolution available in pits of despair is hope. Each painful thing we experience has a polar opposite resolution of goodness sent by God to every grieving heart. These resolutions are something only God can provide because they are miraculous in nature. (Photo via Pixabay)
Every action of Jesus demonstrated the love of the Father. Jesus never attributed untimely death, murder or tragedy to God. Our responsibility is to believe in God's higher reality of love when the natural evidence speaks to the contrary. Our life then becomes a response in faith to the promise of God's goodness in the midst of sorrow.

The Church is a prophetic community. We see things not yet present in our world and speak them into existence. When Paul said he desired that all of us have the ability to prophesy, he was making an invitation to every Christ-follower to live this way in every circumstance of life. Each of us has the ability to prophesy the hope of a Kingdom resolution into the pain and heartache that overwhelms our cities and our nation.

Our calling is to prophesy Heaven upon the earth. In these moments of revelation our voice becomes part of the redemptive process. Our words of resolution are not to be couched in some insensitive need to always have something to say. These prophetic resolutions must be spoken with a wisdom and tenderness that partners with a Spirit-led sense of timing.

In moments of human tragedy, God wants us to listen first for His voice before we begin to speak. Jesus modeled this for us when He spoke only what He heard the Father saying. When God begins to reveal His heart you will know it is His voice because His message will be one that, "Gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist" (Romans 4:17). His voice will carry resolution. (Photo via Pixabay)

When John shared his revelation from the Isle of Patmos he described a voice shouting a new reality from Heaven for the earth and its inhabitants, "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever. And the one sitting on the throne said, 'Look, I am making everything new!'" (Revelation 21:4-5).

John's words will someday be the ultimate resolution for the pain and sorrow we have seen in places like Roseburg, Oregon and in many other cities across our nation when senseless acts of evil are thrust upon its citizens.

God's resolution of goodness will be the ultimate reality for every hurting heart in every circumstance of life. Those resolutions are the message we carry. Speak them in faith and trust in the goodness of God to prevail.

Garris Elkins, Author and Prophetic Minister
Prophetic Horizons
Email: info@prophetichorizons.com
Website: garriselkins.com

Garris Elkins' ministry, Prophetic Horizons, is a ministry of teaching, writing, and prophecy committed to raising up a prophetic generation to speak to the cultures of our world with the empowered voice of Heaven. Garris and his wife, Jan, are a spiritual father and mother to many, both in the United States and abroad. They live in Medford, Oregon, where they just completed 33 years of pastoral ministry, with the last 15 years as Senior Leaders of Living Waters Church in Medford. Their ministry involves traveling, teaching, and mentoring leaders and churches. Garris and Jan have two grown children, Anna and David.

"Oregon: The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail" 
Pamela Koefoed, Lakeview, OR
It is written, "The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18

A fresh wind is blowing across the state of Oregon. The Spirit of the Lord is drawing the hearts of mankind, and many will come to the House of the Lord to receive what the Father has longed to give them – the robe, ring and shoes of sonship.

The enemy intends for mass attacks to occur across the United States, but through prayer, intercession and worship that evil spirit will be hindered, and that evil spirit's larger plan will not take root. It will not take root!

Cry Out Against Injustice
The Spirit of the Lord is moving in Oregon. Old wells have been re-dug. Yet a fresh wind is beginning to blow. Revival has been the cry on many a tongue. Now watch and see how the Lord responds when you cry out to Him this year; when you cry out to Him against injustices. (Photo via Wikimedia)
He is compassionate and He will grant restitution – a move of His grace upon the hearts of young and old.

I see a time of blessing coming upon the Body of Christ and one particular group responding in very great numbers. The youth across America will rise up and possess the gates of the Lord's enemy. Their robes have been washed. A ring of authority has been placed on their hands and their feet are shod in preparation for the Gospel of peace.

The tide is changing. It's the hour of revival. But I hear in my spirit, "Who will cry out against injustices in the land, against the taking of the precious?"
The Lord is compassionate. When you cry out to Him, He will answer with restitution.

Pamela Koefoed
Ignite School of Ministries
Email: write@pamelakoefoed.com
Website: pamelakoefoed.com | igniteschool.com

During a traumatic childhood, Jesus delivered Pamela Koefoed from death’s door. Years later, she began encountering Jesus and His angels in visitations. By the power of the Holy Spirit, her ministry has demonstrated a strong and accurate prophetic anointing. Pamela ministers nationally and internationally where hundreds have experienced the healing power of God, deliverance from strongholds, and the life-infusing rhema word of the Lord. Pamela is the director of Ignite School of Ministry in Southern Oregon. She is the author of two books, Angels Appearing and JoyRide: Life, Death and Forgiveness.

"Roseburg's Tears"
 Michael Kroning, Roseburg, OR

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18

October 1, 2015: The Shots Heard 'Round the County – and the World: SHOCKED! STUNNED! NOT HERE! NOT IN ROSEBURG! NOT IN OUR CITY!

The News – Unbelievable.
The Pain – Unbearable.
The Tears – Uncontrollable.
The Soul – Inconsolable.


Our Father of Mercies and the God of all comfort is an ever-present help in time of need. He brings a peace that passes all understanding, which makes no sense to our minds. His peace caresses and consoles the trembling and sorrowful heart. He is near to the brokenhearted.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy WILL come in the morning. How long is the night? No one knows. It's as long as it takes. You can't hurry grief. It varies from person to person. But one thing is sure...sorrow may long endure... But the NIGHT WILL END! It cannot shut out God's Light of Mercy and Grace! (Photo via KLCC)

Yes, there will always be a hole in our hearts that can never be replaced. Yes, we will feel a deep enduring loss for our loved ones who've gone to be with Jesus. But it is GOD Who owns the future, NOT the evil one! He will even cause good to come to pass out of what was cruelly meant for evil.

A SHIFT has come to Douglas County – not unlike we felt at the aftermath of 9-11. Our innocence may be lost, but the spirit of this community has awakened with a roar!

TEARS, Uncontrollable Tears, have caused many to consider their own mortality. Life is no longer predictable, no longer under the control of our own plans, intentions or willpower, as if it ever was. We are all vulnerable to events outside of our control. Now the very tears of our sorrow have softened the parched ground of this community.

Like the winter snows on barren soil, these tears can soften and penetrate the recesses of the heart and awaken many to their need for God.

These Tears of Sorrow Will Indeed Produce a Harvest!

Many who have never considered their own eternal fate have, IN AN INSTANT, been confronted with their own mortality and vulnerability. Many are seeking answers; many are asking, "Why?" We, who are children of the Light, are the only ones who are able to bring light to the darkness around us.

Like the ground that opens up in an earthquake, the shaking of this event has opened up a WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY for God to do an amazing work in our midst! Out of the ashes of this great tragedy will spring the mighty phoenix of God's Holy Spirit. (Photo via Oregon Live)

Roseburg and Douglas County SHALL SEE the Salvation of the Lord!

At the darkest hour of WWII, when Britain was under constant bombardment and all seemed to be lost, Churchill rallied the nation to declare, "This was their Finest Hour!"

Could This Become Douglas County's Finest Hour?

Could this horrific event usher in the greatest awakening in the history of Douglas County? YES! But only if the Church is willing to do whatever the Lord asks of us. Will we YIELD our will and respond to the voice of the Holy Spirit? Will we put aside our own insecurities and fears and simply say, "Here am I, Lord, Send me! Send me"?

Let us consider the words of the hymn, "Hark! The Voice of Jesus Crying", written by Daniel March in 1868, shortly after the horrific tragedy of America's Civil War:

Hark, the voice of Jesus calling,
"Who will go and work today?
Fields are ripe and harvests waiting,
Who will bear the sheaves away?"
Long and loud the Master calls us,
Rich reward He offers free;
Who will answer, gladly saying,
"Here am I, send me, send me"?
If you cannot cross the ocean,
And the distant lands explore,
You can find the lost around you,
You can help them at your door;
If you cannot give your thousands,
You can give the widow's mite;
What you truly give for Jesus,
Will be precious in His sight.
If you cannot speak like angels,
If you cannot preach like Paul,
You can tell the love of Jesus,
You can say He died for all.
If you cannot rouse the wicked,
With the judgment's dread alarms,
You can lead the little children
To the Savior's waiting arms.
If you cannot be the watchman,
Standing high on Zion's wall,
Pointing out the path to Heaven,
Offering life and peace to all,
With your prayers and with your bounties
You can do what Heaven demands;
You can be like faithful Aaron,
Holding up the prophet's hands.
If among the older people,
You may not be apt to teach,
"Feed My lambs," said Christ, our Shepherd,
"Place the food within their reach."
And it may be that the children
You have led with trembling hand,
Will be found among your jewels,
When you reach the better land.
Let none hear you idly saying,
"There is nothing I can do."
While the lost of earth are dying,
And the Master calls for you;
Take the task He gives you gladly;
Let His work your pleasure be;
Answer quickly when He calls you,
"Here am I, send me, send me."
Michael Kroning from Roseburg, Oregon
Email: YourNewFeedback@gmail.com
Michael Kroning has been one of the leaders of a church in Roseburg, Oregon for the past several years. He earned his undergraduate and seminary degrees in his native Midwest, where he was a church planter in the Chicago area prior to coming to the Pacific Northwest. Mike is a gifted preacher and spiritual father with an encouraging message of confident hope and enduring faith in the midst of life's tests and trials. He has been used greatly by the Lord in the revelatory gifts of the Spirit and his compassion and sensitivity to the Spirit is evident as he ministers the Father's heart to people.
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