What God is Looking For


"He is looking for godly character over gifts and anointings." 

-  Kathy Watson, God is Looking for Humility, Truth, and Integrity, Elijah List website

These are the words my eyes clung to with delight. These are the words I have felt stirring in my own spirit for weeks. These are the words I longed to share but didn't know exactly how for oh so very very long. And now...now here they are. This is what my heart has been telling me over and over again; God is looking for evidences of His character not His actions to come forth from out of His children. Miracles are marvelous, but they aren't Him. They are merely what follows along after those who believe on Him. (Mark 16:17) 

He is Love. (1 John 4:8) Miracles do not distinguish us as Christians, Christ followers; love does. Miracles will accompany us and follow us, but they are not the proof we are God's. God is love. We will be known as His by our love one for another. (John 13:35) Others will know we belong to God because He, love, comes out from us in every thing we do and every thing we say. We will think, speak, act, live, love. Love is the distinguishing, identifying trait of Jesus followers. Love. Nothing else. Love. 

May God, Love, fill you to overflowing today and every day.

Link to God is Looking for Humility, Truth, and Integrity:  http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=16005

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