Warriors Rising
"The Rising of the Aging Warriors"
by Darren Canning, Ontario, Canada
I just had a vision of the older generation. I see that many who are in their 50's and higher have been battling the thoughts of the enemy for a long time. Many of you have been gripped with chains of depression, anxiety and fear. Some of you may have resorted to substance abuse and even medication in order to cope with the weight that came against you.
However, the battle in the mind is actually a battle in the spirit. You have been in the middle of an incredible battle and you have barely held your ground but you will hold your ground. You will be like David's mighty man Shammah.
2 Samuel 23:11-12 says, "One time the Philistines gathered at Lehi and attacked the Israelites in a field full of lentils. The Israelite army fled, but Shammah held his ground in the middle of the field and beat back the Philistines. So the Lord brought about a great victory."
There is a mighty valor that rises on the hearts of God's people when they determine to stand their ground despite the coming onslaught before them. You may be going through a difficult time on the job. You may be facing persecution from family for your faith. You may not have enough money to get to the end of the week and the landlord is threatening to throw you out, but if you stand your ground in faith none of these things will overcome you. You will triumph every time in Christ.
Bursting into the Realm of God's Light
Just recently I saw a vision of a man's head bursting through the iron clouds of darkness into the eternal realm of God's light and love. I actually saw this amazing amber light glow as his head went into the realm of God's presence.
You see, the victory for your breakthrough has already been established. When Jesus died on the Cross, your salvation was secure in Him, but the battle lies in the thoughts. If the enemy can keep your mind on earthly things and bound to his lies then you will not overcome. But if you seek God He will fill you with His glorious thoughts and you will rule and reign in Him.
I watched as this man's head burst into the stratosphere of God's blinding light and all darkness began to fall off of him. You need to continue to seek God until you find Him. There is no point in giving up. You have to stand up and fight another day.
Each morning when you wake, ask God for His thought for the day. He will guide you and you will overcome. He has good treasures in store for your life... so many of them that you would never be able to imagine them let alone count them.
I know that many in the older generation have been pressing into the things of God for a long time, but they have learned to persevere as a result. I declare that if you are one of these then you will become some of the greatest dragon slayers of our time. The dragons are the thoughts that would destroy the minds of mankind. Once you have broken into the realm of God's presence and glory you will help others do the same. You will become the greatest peacemakers and encouragers. You will become the lifters of broken hearts and minds.
When we get the victory in Jesus, this victory becomes the potential victory for many others. I pray that you will continue to persevere so that you will become hardened to the enemies tactics and alive in the things of God. I pray that His great hope will awaken your senses so that you begin to fight like never before.
The truth is: Your greatest days are before you.
Darren Canning
Ministry of Darren Canning
Ministry of Darren Canning
Email: darrencanning78@gmail.com
Website: www.darrencanning.com and www.facebook.com/
Darren Canning is a revivalist preacher who travels throughout Canada, the United States, and the world. His heart is for revival and believes that God will touch lives deeply wherever he travels. He teaches on hearing the voice of God and experiencing the supernatural. Darren's life was touched powerfully through an encounter with God and he was transformed from an atheistic lifestyle to a Believer in a moment. He has spent 14 years working for the government of Canada as an analyst specializing in transportation issues related to Aircraft Safety and Security. He is married to Lydia and is the father of seven children. He believes that if others experience the God of the supernatural then they too will be changed forever.
Darren Canning's Itinerary:
June 19, 2016 (10am)
Hope City Church
With Andrew MacGrath
Melbourne, Australia
Hope City Church
With Andrew MacGrath
Melbourne, Australia
June 23-24, 2016
The Adelaide Jubilee Fanfare Conference
With Julie Anne Powell and Tania Hall
Hosted by Clear Vision Church
The Adelaide Jubilee Fanfare Conference
With Julie Anne Powell and Tania Hall
Hosted by Clear Vision Church
June 26 - 27, 2016 (7pm)
Adelaide Congress Ministry
With Dean Whitaker
Adelaide Congress Ministry
With Dean Whitaker
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