"Demonstrating His love..." Is this what we are doing? Or are we just doing what "good" people do? Have we made it all about and for Him or in our hearts is it still all about us? Are we demonstrating His love or our goodness? Who are we wanting others to notice and see? Him or us? These questions came flooding in when I read this short devotion. Who am I truly serving and living for? Jesus or myself?
Heart questions for a New Year,
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: First Things First with Christine
From: Christine Caine <no-reply@christinecaine.com>
Sent: Monday, January 8, 2018, 1:18 AM
To: bwblessedmom6@gmail.com
Click here to view in browser. |  | | Showing Compassion Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done (Proverbs 19:17). We were made in the image of God. And as believers, we have been given the power to rightly reflect that image to the world around us. One way you can demonstrate God’s love today is by showing compassion to the poor and those in need. When we go out of our way to help meet another person’s needs, we show true compassion. This kind of action moves God’s heart in a big way. And when you see someone in need as the object of your ministry, rather than an interruption to your ministry, you express God’s character. So look for opportunities to minister to those in need. Show kindness and compassion. God will reward you for being His hands and feet, for demonstrating His love to a lost and broken world.  | | SHARE THIS    | | You are receiving Christine Caine's email newsletter. Unsubscribe This email was intended for bwblessedmom6@gmail.com © 2018 Christine Caine, International | | |