Winter Tea
This is where today's visit picks up, here in the comforting warmth of God and His perfect loving care of us. As a new year travels on it might be a good time to still ourselves in the presence of God and tune into the still small voice of Holy Spirit. Paying attention to those things we sense within, maybe writing them down on paper with pen and ink, would be a new habit to learn. Perhaps recording impressions from our time with God will be one of the new habits the new year contains.
Perhaps we need more this year rather than less. More God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. More time communing together with Him and with others in His name. More relaxing. More relating. More restoring and renewing. More. I strongly sense more, an abundance of more, for the new year ahead. More God in the everyday living.
As the fire settles into a steady flame we cease speaking. Our eyes lock in awe and wonder. We know we have been in the presence of God, and that He has talked with us. Our hearts are full of the joyous, peaceful rest found only in Him who loves us fully, completely, wholly. Silently we put our coats, hats, mittens, and scarves on. It is as if we are suiting up in armor, holy armor. Fully geared up we once more lock gazes. Our eyes speak what our hearts know; we are going forth to be about our heavenly father's business. Together we go forward in the name of the Lord.
Going forward into More,
Abundantly Blessed