Books, Books, Books!

Sometimes a person just needs to sit down and read a good book. Here are some of the books that have been read and are waiting to be read here at Abundance House:

  • Own Your Life Living with Deep Intention, Bold Faith, and Generous Love by Sally Clarkson (might become an annual read)
  • Fervent by Priscilla Shirer (Only a few chapters in, but it definitely holds a promise of greatness.)
  • Awaken by Priscilla Shirer
  • The Wise Woman by George MacDonald (A story and a message - we were hooked! This little nugget brought conviction to me every day we read it. A potential life changer)
  • The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis (a beloved classic)
  • Heavenly Perspective Soaking in God's Presence by Stephanie Monthey (waiting in the basket)
  • No Matter Where, God is Always There Quinn's Promise Rock by Christie Thomas (new children's book - I purchased it to give as a gift, but I like it so much we may give something else. The message is timeless and ageless.)
  • The Calling by Nathan D. Thomas (This is book one of Defenders of the Realms series. We were TOTALLY hooked in the introduction, and it's only getting better.)
  • Several C.S. Lewis books are on the "to be read" list. Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, A Grief Observed, The Weight of Glory, The Problem of Pain, Surprised by Joy, etc. etc. etc. I have been reading many of C.S. Lewis' quotes in articles and books. They always seem to hint at a greater truth to be discovered and make me want to sit down and mine their depths with a Bible and notebook close at hand.
  • There are at least two books by A.W. Tozer waiting on the bookshelves for me to get to them also. Hopefully this will be the year, Lord willing. 
My heart is hungry for the depth found only in earnest study of scripture and concentration. Both of which a mother must create time for. Hoping strong to make space for time spent with learned men and women of God whose books and lives encourage me to go deeper into and love stronger the ways of God. As with earlier lists, there are some books that are always on the shelf during the school year. Two of the books this year are:
  • Volume 4: The Modern Age from Victoria's Empire to the End of the USSR of the Story of the World History for the Classical Child series by Susan Wise Bauer (This along with the Streams of Civilization Vols. 1 & 2 and various other living books comprise our history study. The Story of the World series by Bauer is good for an all around overview of history. As the children grow older they are enjoying more and more details so we will soon be transitioning into other books to use as a spine for our history studies.)
  • Apologia Young Explorers science books and Berean Builders elementary science series. This year was Exploring Creation with General Science by Wile which is now offered at Berean Builders website. Both series are solid, yet interesting, science courses for grades K through 6. Experiments present the lesson well and use common household items to do so. The burning tea bag experiment from Science in the Beginning by Jay Wile was a household favorite! Lessons from both series can be adjusted to instruct multiple learners at different levels. High school level courses are also available for future science courses. 
The following book was new. We tossed it into our Modern Times history unit just for a tiny taste of local history. There is just something about local or regional history that makes learning extra fun.
  • The Valentine Railroad Bridge by Jerry Penry (This is a small book setting forth the history of a local landmark. It told the history of a local railroad bridge in a very straightforward and factual style. While quite informative, the book lacked the friendliness of style we have come to enjoy in other books about local history. No complaints about the book; it was just not what we were expecting it to be. It would be superb for anyone researching area landmarks.) 

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