Discipleship vs. Experience
I wanted to be good and live for Jesus because He died for me. This is also a good thing.
I was often immature. Not a good thing.
I frequently relied on the external behavior of others and myself as a measure of righteousness and holiness in the heart. For example, they go to church and youth group therefore they must be committed to Christ. Not necessarily true. They don't talk back to teachers therefore they are nice. Not always. Overall this was not a good thing.
I did not develop the ability to recognize the fruit from sinful attitudes and certain sinful behavior until I was an adult. This was not a good thing.
I didn't understand the functional difference between discerning sinful fruit and ungodly judging at as early of an age as would have been useful. Definitely not a good thing.
I didn't understand the difference between guarding and protecting a holy calling and anointing of God in my life and shunning others. This is important to know.
There are Godly abilities and skills that are necessary for fully living the Christian life well. The above examples represent a tiny few. These abilities and skills can be learned through discipleship or personal experience. Discipleship is often a less painful method of learning, yet discipleship also requires more investment of time and effort.
Discipleship is neither quick nor easy. Few are willing to make such an investment. Few are willing to give so much of themselves with no guarantee of success. Not many willingly pour themselves into another knowing the one being discipled might not continue in the Lord's way.
Not many lay their life down for another in this way, but some do. Maybe because some of the few are mothers, I am thinking about this the day after Mother's Day. Whatever the reason, whether a mother or not, it is to those dedicated some I write these words. Thank you.
Day after day, week after week, month follows month, and the years trail one after another. Still you show up pouring your life out in a steady flow of love and service to The King of Kings. You invest continually in the lives of others because someone once invested Jesus in you, or maybe no-one did and that is why you now do.
Thank you for being there. Your patience to explain and the grace with which you endured the immaturity of one's who didn't yet know, who were still learning is seed sown in hearts. Everything you have sacrificed to be there, no matter what, has been noticed, noticed and appreciated.
Thank you for loving when it wasn't lovely, for embracing when the attitudes were sour, for not giving up, quitting, or calling it all hopeless. Thank you. Thank you. These words are long overdue, but thank you, faithful one, Thank you.
Doubtless there were moments when you wondered how many times a person could get themselves stuck in the consequences of sin and cry out for mercy and grace. Surely there have been seasons of neediness that seemed to drag out forever. Thank you for letting God work In His timing.
In spite of the stench of sin that lingered you didn't give in to irritation and line someone out but drew them deeper with love. How tired your ears must have gotten with all of the distressing over situations that the more mature would have avoided altogether. Thank you for being kind.
Thank you for knowing God and imitating Him to everyone around. Because of you few, the some who do, new believers grow stronger and wiser in Christ. The young become mature. The fearful learn to live brave because of Love in you.
Thank you. No matter who you are or where you live, Thank you.
If you are a Christian who was discipled, give abundant thanks to God and perhaps prayerfully consider ways to pass along what God used someone to give to you. Being discipled is a treasured gift not everyone receives. If someone poured into you and saved you from learning some painful truths through experience, give thanks.
If you don't have anyone to disciple you, read the Bible and pay attention to wiser Believers. Glean from their heavenly wisdom. God has provided. Be willing to receive from Him, however He sends the message.
Love is a gift no matter how it is wrapped.