Having Done All the Crisis Demands

Remembering October 2009...

"In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides]. Put on God's whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil." Ephesians 6:10,11

"Therefore put on God's complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger] and having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place]." Ephesians 6:13

The above verses are ones we commonly use when facing great opposition and/or struggles. Yet, when reading the entire sixth chapter of Ephesians we realize that this instruction comes immediately after several verses concerning interpersonal relationships, relationships with between children and parents, parents and children, employers and employees, and employees and employers. Hmmm. I just now noticed that connection. Wow! What a lot of fuss and muss it would have saved me had I "gotten" it before :) I've always known that God's Word contained every answer for every situation, but He just keeps showing me how perfectly He has provided the answers. Thank You Heavenly Father for Your Word. It truly is living and active. (Hebrews 4:12)

How many times throughout a single day could those around me benefit from my obedience to the Lord? How many times could I benefit from the same? So much truth is packed into these three verses. I can study on just these few portions of scripture for a long while and still have more truth to glean.

The first thing I have to ask myself is whether or not I am empowered through my union with Him. Perhaps I should take myself a step further back and see if I am in union with Him at all. Am I or do I simply have a hit and miss "Love ya! See ya later!" relationship with God? Looking on further I see heavenly provision and supply. God provides strength from His boundless might. He also supplies the armor of a heavy-armed soldier. God never intends that I be powerless or without protection. Do I use what He has provided and supplied? Greater still, do I use these provisions in the way they were meant to be used? Am I utitlizing everything that Christ purchased with His blood for me to receive at salvation?

Through all of the trials and situations that come, am I walking as a blood-bought child of God or am I struggling to move on all by myself in my own strength? How ridiculously silly is that? What am I thinking? My God has supplied all my needs through His riches in Christ Jesus.(Phil.4:19) He has given me everything I need for life and godliness.(2 Peter 1:3) He has provided strength, supplied armor, promised protection and provision, comfort and care. Yet I still stumble on scrapping along bit by bit trying to get where He wants in my own power. I know that Jesus is all I need, but do I let Him be my all in every situation? Nope. How faithful and true He is to me. Day after day He watches me drag myself through knowing that He already bought and paid for everything I need to overcome in Him. Occasionally there are moments of victory. Even after experiencing this divine protection and provision though, I still rely on myself. It makes me thing of an old song we used to sing. "From glory to glory He's changing me. From earthly things to the heavenly. The Love of God shown to the world. "

God has provided the armor, but I have to put it on. Ever the gentleman, He will not force me. It is up to me how I walk in this world and whether or not I will use all He has provided. No one or nothing can make my day bad. It is my choice. This is the day the Lord has made. I can choose to rejoice and be glad in it....or not. Once I have put on the armor and done all that the crisis demands, then I must stand firmly in my place. Firmly. Now there's a word study for you. Not wavering, not tottering, not all wobbly, firmly. If we are standing firmly we are standing immovably, solidly, rigidly, stably, fixedly, durably, enduringly, substantially, securely, heavily, stiffly, inflexibly, unshakeably, soundly, strongly, thoroughly, like a stone wall, solid as Gibraltar, there for all time, showing determination, resolutely, steadfastly, doggedly, tenaciously, determinedly, staunchly, constantly, intently, purposefully, persistently, obstinately, stubbornly, perserveringly, unwaveringly, unchangeably, with a heavy hand, through thick and thin. Wow! We are to stand firmly. Not just firmly but firmly "in our place."

Where is our place? Our place is in Christ Jesus. Our place is to abide in the secret place of the Most High. (Psalm 91) As I go about my day, I pray that I will stand firmly in my place in the strength of God's might wearing the armor that He supplies. May I remember whose I am and what has been given me to use so that victory is mine through Christ. Also, may you find yourself walking in God's strength and wearing the armor He supplies as well. Not just when facing monstrous difficulties, but everyday, all day. Lastly, may we all be empowered through our union with Him, and may this union constantly grow deeper and deeper. Have a blessed weekend in Christ!

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