"What Is Your Request? There Is 'MORE' in Store for You!"

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September 28, 2019

"What Is Your Request? There Is 'MORE' in Store for You!"
Melissa Pearce, Export, Pennsylvania

Intro From Edie Bayer:

Steve Shultz     The very first time I spoke with Melissa Pearce, I knew she was someone special. Sitting at the airport chatting with this transparent, loving, humble woman of God, I somehow knew that we would be fast friends.

     Melissa Pearce of Enduring Hope Ministries is all about empowering people, especially women! This busy woman, author, teacher and minister has a lifetime of experience to share, and she does it in every way possible to try to reach as many of His children as possible.

     Her prophetic words are a direct reflection of her intimacy with the Father. This being true, I am sure that you will enjoy what God shows her as you join her on her journey with Jesus. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Edie Bayer
Kingdom Promoters

Website: www.KingdomPromoters.org


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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

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"What Is Your Request? There Is 'MORE' in Store for You!"
Melissa Pearce, Export, Pennsylvania

Three Mentalities of False Belief

     Many have been on a journey with Abba Father to discover who He is and who they are in Him. It has been a time where God has been dismantling the false theologies and ideologies that have erected within our hearts and minds. The orphan mentality, the victim mentality, and the poverty mentality have infected and affected our understanding of who God is and our identity in Him.

     The orphan mentality is ingrained in false theologies and ideologies pertaining to God, thus causing a hindrance in developing an intimate relationship with Him.

     The victim mentality takes root when we do not understand who we are in Christ Jesus. The victim mentality inhibits our ability to function as God has created us to function. Instead of being confident in what God has called us to do for Him and His ability to work through our lives, we become fearful, doubtful and hesitant.

     Finally, the poverty mentality causes individuals to become stuck. They get into a vicious cycle of defeat, believing the lies of the enemy verses the truth of God.

     All of these different mentalities are connected to false belief systems that have been erected over the years, and God is tearing them down so that you and His Church can walk the way He intended – with confidence, vigor and steadfastness.

The "MORE" of God

     We are now entering a new season. I believe it is symbolic to what God is doing in the supernatural. I have been sensing for some time that many are finally beginning to 'see' the trueness of God, His character, and our identity in Him.

     "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:18-19 NKJV)

     God clearly warns us not to look to what was, but to fix our eyes on what is. He is about to do a new thing within our lives. Moving in a new direction can be difficult and resistant. It is easy to want to remain where we are because it's familiar, secure and comfortable to us. However, we must realize that there is always MORE with God. There is MORE for us to discover about Him and for us to learn about ourselves.

     The enemy wants you to remain where you are, to become stagnant, unproductive and fruitless. We must guard ourselves from his entrapments. God desires for you to experience the "MORE" within your life, but you cannot do so by remaining comfortable and complacent. There must be something within you that yearns for the MORE of God to be revealed to you.

     The MORE of God calls you to go where you have never traveled before. The MORE of God stretches you in ways you never thought possible. The MORE of God compels you to fulfill the mission. The MORE of God calls you to operate in the inheritance of what has been given to you. You know it is yours, and you are not backing away from it or backing down. The MORE of God ignites a fire within you to become unstoppable for Him.

     God desires for you to 'know' there is MORE. You need to take the limitations off of God and of yourself. It is time for you to start functioning in the empowerment of what He has given you.

     "Never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes you." (Ephesians 3:20 TPT)

"I Am Watching Over My Word to Perform It"

     We have been given the Word of God. God would have never given us His Word if He didn't intend for us to operate in the MORE. As our perspectives shift to His, we align ourselves with Him. God is faithful and true. He watches over His Word to have it performed within our lives.

     His Word indicates that He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request. What is your request to God? What you are you believing Him to do on your behalf? The answers lie in the MORE. The MORE is you realizing you have done all you can do and are now being still, knowing that He is God (Psalm 46:10).

     There is MORE and God desires for you to experience it! Jesus did not come to Earth so you would just barely get by, but He came so you would have life more abundantly in Him. The MORE is you experiencing His peace, joy, and assurance. The MORE is you having everything you need to fulfill the assignment before you. The MORE is realizing that with God, there is always MORE – exceedingly, abundantly, overflowingly MORE.

     God always builds with intentionality and with purpose. When God says, "There is MORE," He always intends to expand; expand to bless; expand to invest; expand to produce; expand to increase.

     As you embark on this new season, be prepared. God is doing something new! This 'new' is screaming, "There is MORE in store for you!"

Melissa Pearce
Enduring Hope Ministries

Email: contact@enduringhopeministries.com
Website: www.enduringhopeministries.com

Melissa Pearce is an ordained reverend, evangelistic preacher, teacher, speaker, encourager, author, leader, and a woman after God's heart. Through her book, Unveiling Jesus: 365 Daily Devotional Through the Gospels, authored Bible studies, YouTube, Facebook teachings and more, Melissa teaches how to trust Him and realize our value in Christ Jesus. Driven by Ephesians 3:17 and inspired by the Lord's call to encourage, love and minister, Melissa established Enduring Hope Ministries in 2010. Above all, Melissa's mission is to empower women of all generations to find their identity in Jesus Christ so that they can see their self-worth through His eyes. Like many women, Melissa has battled with insecurity, but through God's love, she's silenced those lies that stole her confidence, and she wants to help others do the same.


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