There Comes A Time
"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary..." The first words of the Declaration of Independence have been playing over and over in my mind since reading them last week. At some point in each and every life decisions regarding what this will look and sound like have to be made. Courses of action are chosen. Lifestyles selected, even in the most basic of areas.
Whether the choices are intentional and deliberate or performed by default, these decisions will be made. The past few years I have been learning that there are many more choices available than I had previously been aware of. Seemingly overnight I am more intentional in the choices I make than ever before.
The goal is simple really. I want to make sure every single item I purchase is made in the United States of America with American ingredients. It is a noble desire to be sure, one I want to fulfill, but reality is looking more like a progressive transition than the instantaneous change I planned on. Not surprisingly I underestimated the time required to search out the sheer volume of goods our size of family uses.
Searching out the products our family uses has been fun though. I had no idea there were so many items made in the U.S.A.! I have been completely unaware of the options available. There are at least two sources of bedding and towels where everything is U.S.A. made "from seed to stitch" as one of the companies says. Numerous sources for soaps and toiletries made in the U.S.A. can be found, and more U.S.A. clothing sources than I ever expected to find. Basically, there is at least one source of made in U.S.A. products for any and everything a household could want or need, if sufficient financial resources are available.
Like so many other in life right now, our household purchasing is in a period of transition. Where to purchase household items and clothing is only a small part of the transition however. Our commitment to supporting the United States of America deliberately and intentionally in ways both big and small seems to have become an all-encompassing decision. When we see or hear of someone being attacked for their stand for truth and justice we immediately want to support them. Supporting their business is one way we can do this. That is why there are two new My Pillow brand pillows on our bed. Mike Lindell is standing up for America. As Americans we will stand up for him. "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
Purchasing items made in the United States of American or from American companies is only one way my family and I are supporting our nation. Another way we are being intentional and deliberate in our commitment to the United States of America and the God Who keeps her is choosing to wean ourselves away from or off of those businesses and platforms that do not honor the foundations on which the United States has been built. That is why our family has chosen to support a new social media platform called Xapit. It is also why I will no longer be posting on The Abundance House blog here on blogspot. I am leaving the blog as it is and allowing it to remain here at this address. As far as I know no new content will be posted in the future.
Thank you for your support and faithful encouragement through the years. Truly, we at Abundance House blog have been Abundantly Blessed. Before we leave, here are some new books, websites, and other random ideas our family would like to share with you:
- An Appeal to Heaven flag - check out the history of this flag from our nation's past.
- Give Him 15 - This is a daily prayer video/transcript that can be watched and/or read on the Give Him 15 website. We have been gathering every morning for this before school lessons and miss it on the weekends.
- Mr. Pen - A USA company that offers a variety of assorted household, journaling, school, office, and other goods for reasonable prices. Their story is a good read.
- Flashpoint - a bi-weekly show on The Victory Network TV channel and/or website that encourages and blesses us with truth every single time.
- The Open Door Experience - Pastor Troy Brewer of Burleson, TX brings the Word of God with fresh and genuine authenticity. We found this on RFDTV. It is available online also.
- Elijah Streams - Steve Shultz interviews prophetic voices to encourage the body of Christ. Seriously one of the best things we have done to feed our faith. Available online.
- My Pillow - support for those who stand up for and support our nation. Mr. Mike Lindell is sticking his neck on the line for our nation. We're saying thank you in the only way we know how, and the pillows are GREAT!
- Meals in a jar created from freeze dried food stuffs. Haven't made any yet, but I am thinking they are a dream come true for moms of boys who know how to boil water and "desperately need" afternoon snacks. If I make them, I will know what ingredients are in them, and the boys can have healthy snack options to choose from. An added bonus is: I have heard they save money too. Happy Dance going on.
- XAPIT and other social media platforms like it who stand up for freedom and privacy by providing a censor-free environment to connect. Even non-social media people like me can support a cause like this; just please remember that Abundance House family supports real life and believes face-to-face relationships have no legitimate substitute, no matter how easy and convenient social media may be. We also think social media can be a huge blessing and a great tool when used carefully and deliberately.
- Flyover Conservatives - check them out on YouTube!!!
- OUR FAMILY IS LOOKING FOR AND HAS YET TO FIND: A free, user friendly, uncensored email option that is actively PRO - USA. If anyone knows of one, please get the word out by posting the information to every online source you can.