Another Educational First

 I've been quiet about home education for a while. If you've been reading here for any length of time you probably remember when there were more conversations about schooling here. I confess I attempted my version of the whole homeschool mommy blogger thing. I was hoping to somehow increase those reading this blog enough to possibly make some money doing so. I followed all of the advice I could bring myself to follow, and well, it wasn't a good fit for me. It wasn't what I'm called to do. So, after admitting to myself I don't have to be like all of the other mommy bloggers and realigning with who I am and why I'm here, I just went about those things I am called to do and was quiet.

However, I felt a little tug to type a few words about education in our home this morning. To be honest it feels kind of weird showing up on this topic after being quiet, but that little tug compels me. Here we go.

Sales on school supplies are on right now. Practice for sports and band have begun in some areas. That oh so familiar "buzz" of getting ready for school is in the air. You can feel it more than hear it. Like the slow dawning of sunrise the realization that I'm not in the least bit "buzzing" came to my attention. Wait a minute, what? What is going on here? This girl loves the fall buzz of new pencils, paper, and  predictable routines. How come I'm not settling in for another school season like usual? 

Slowly a smile of wonder spreads across my face as I realize somehow, when I wasn't looking, I became one of "them"; I, of all people, have turned into a seasoned home educator. I don't know how. I certainly don't know when. But wonder of all wonders, I have actually reached a season of some maturity in something. Even more amazing is that it is in the area of home education. Who'd a thunk it? Certainly not me. 

God is So good! And His wonders never cease. In Jesus' name, Shalom.

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