Another New Season

 Inhaling the presence of Jehovah Shalom, exhaling bothersome thoughts that are attempting to take root and cause unrest. Doing it again, and yes, again, over and over until all of the inner turmoil has been stilled by Peace. Ahhh, what a gift this new daily habit/discipline has become to me. How did I ever navigate through so many years of life without these small moments of breathing Jesus in and stress out? Seriously, how?

Lately I have been noticing the tiny rhythms that make up my days have changed. They're new. They're wonderfully new, and these new little disciplines are having a wondrous effect. They are making me new. All things are being made new through Christ Jesus the Lord.

Everywhere I look I am seeing newness, even this very morning. There I was stirring sourdough discard crackers together and feeding the sourdough starter when realization dawned that even my morning rhythms are new. Previous mornings have always seemed to contain a bit of chaos no matter how prepared and organized I was. Some would say it is because the children are older. That could definitely be a part of it, but I would say it is because I am in the process of being made new. I am more at peace. Breathing the presence of Jehovah  Shalom in and crazy chaos out has infused me with an inner strength, a calmness beyond explaining.

There would be those who might think nothing is different, everything looks just like it always has. That's okay. The Lover of my soul and I know. We know the difference is great. We know how my soul is at rest and filled with Him Who IS Peace. He and I know, and we love our new rhythms. We love working together each day, loving and breathing together, Jesus and I. 

Jesus and I, what beautiful words. Words to live from. May you be filled to overflowing today and everyday with He, Who is Peace. May the rhythms of your day be made new through Him. In the name of Yeshua, Amen. Shalom.

Scriptures referenced above:

2 Corinthians 5:17

Romans 12:2

Philippians 4:7

Isaiah 43:19

Ephesians 2:14

1 Samuel 16:7


Yeshua is the Hebrew word for Jesus.


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