In the Morning When I Rise

In the morning, during the summer, when there isn't any school, right after the porch plants have been watered and just before lunch preparation begins there is a small spot of unclaimed time. This little snippet of emptiness has been used by God to fill me up from within this summer as I have sat down with the Bread of Life, His Word, the Bible to feed my spirit, my heart. It is from there that What God Says Wednesday posts originated, but it isn't where they end. As I contemplate the few remaining weeks of summer, warm memories seep through me with a comforting warmth. It is as if my innermost being is being filled with the fullness of God and His goodness.

Summer sped by so rapidly it seems as if it hasn't truly been, yet so much has been accomplished that I know it was here, and we lived it fully; we will continue to live each season even more fully and all because of Jesus. There is a temptation to start mourning the upcoming loss of this morning feast with God as summer gives way to the hustle and bustle of fall, but instead of mourning there is joy. Why joy? There is joy because somehow I know the quiet bliss of each morning's moment with God will not end with the closing of summer. Somehow, I know not how or where, it will be found in the rhythm of autumn as well. These moments of intimacy with the Lover of My Soul will remain. It won't be exactly as it is now for there won't be porch plants to water and children will need taught, but somehow, someway My Ultimate Love and I will find each other and savor each other's presence more and more each day.

Here are a few bits & pieces from our morning feasts together:

  • Job: the entire book - WHOA. Just that word: Whoa. If God corrects Job, a man who did not curse God after losing everything except four servants and his wife along with being so disfigured he was beyond recognition, whoa. Self-examination to the max going on here.
  • James 1:19,20
  • James 2: 12,13
  • James 1 - entire chapter
  • James 2 - entire chapter
  • Proverbs 15:1
  • Proverbs 15:4
  • Proverbs 31:26
  • James 5:11  
  • Hebrews 13:16,17
  • Hebrews 13:1
  • Colossians 4:6
  • Proverbs 18:21
  • Hebrews 10:36
My morning feasts on the Word always seem much too short in length. Not only that, the children have been "captured" more than once as I have caught them running by and had them stop, sit down, and listen to the latest nugget of truth. Giggles and Mighty Man of God did seem to enjoy going through the book of Job and wondering in awe with me over the grace and mercy of God towards us in modern times who sometimes treat Him too casually with too much familiarity. Of course, being children on a cattle ranch, they also marveled at the thought of caring for 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 oxen, and 1,000 she donkeys. 

Because these morning times have been so sweet and dear, I find myself holding them tenderly, carefully, not wanting to let them be spoiled or cheapened in any way.  How precious these moments have been; rain drops on the dry ground could not be held more dear than my morning meetings with God. Maybe that is why they have been such a delightful treasure; they are coming at the end of an extended spiritual drought. And right here is where I am hearing these words, " Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." Matthew 24:35 and Luke 21:33 The Word of God will always be giving life to those who partake of it. May the feast never end.

Sharpening the Sword the Spirit Wields, which is the Word of God,
Abundantly Blessed

Note: The verses on the tongue, words, kindness, etc. are perfect for graphic journaling on a chalkboard, canvas, or other form of word art. 

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