Look At This!
Check. It. Out. An ezine on decorating! Free! House of Fifty is full of ideas that any person with any amount of resources can implement. Here's the link http://www.houseoffifty.com/. There really, truly is something for everyone. Hear the front porch calling you this afternoon? I bet it's singing a little tune about browsing through this new ezine. I'm sure I can hear a little bit of harmony chiming in reminding you not to forget a glass of iced tea too. *giggle, giggle* Couldn't leave out the iced tea - it's summer.
OK, subject change. A few days ago, not of this world and I discovered that while still under the name Living Large on Less, this blog was recommended by another blogger to her readers. As a result, Living Large on Less had more views to that one post than any other post in its history. Thank you Sugar Pie Farmhouse! SugarPieFarmhouse is an a.m.a.z.i.n.g. blog - to say the least. I don't know if I have ever been fussed over as much as I was during my visit there - and that was just while reading the current post. We here at Abundance are so thankful for the kind words and the new visitors. As a way of expressing our appreciation, we are asking our readers to return the kindness by dropping in at the Sugar Pie Farmhouse blog. Go ahead and join the Sugar Pie Sisterhood(it was some really cute name like that anyway) while you're there.
Have to run, dear friends! The morning is flying away. I'm off to grate castile soap for homemade laundry soap. Just in case, someone missed that post, we'll thrown it in real fast. There are a lot of recipes and techniques available for laundry soap online. Some work better in different types of water than others. We have naturally soft water. This is the recipe that works best for us:
2 C. washing (not baking) soda, 2 C. Borax, 1 bar finely grated castile soap(grating is easier if soap is allowed to dry for a while).
Combine ingredients and use 2 T. per load. Amount used per load is for an avg. sized washer. If washing machine is smaller or larger than avg. adjust amount accordingly.
Talk to you later! Blessed Mama