A Prayer to Shut the Door
Inner inspection of the words I write and speak and the lasting value they fail to possess has led my heart to bow before the Heavenly Father crying "Oh Dear Lord, please shut my mouth and open my heart!" Becoming a woman whose heart beats the beat of Her Father's is a changing process. Changing, shutting up some things, and opening others, "old things have passed away - all things have become new" (2 Cor. 5:17)
The closer I draw to Him, the more clearly I see how unclean I still am. Oh what wondrous grace that saved a wretch like me! So thankful to be found. So grateful that He cleanses, transforms, and renews me day by day.
The closer I draw to Him, the more clearly I see how unclean I still am. Oh what wondrous grace that saved a wretch like me! So thankful to be found. So grateful that He cleanses, transforms, and renews me day by day.
"What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow - no other fount I know - nothing but the blood of Jesus"
The rush of the world, its cares and trials pass by
I don't feel despair for under His wings am I
The enemy tries to destroy me through fear
But I'm resting by still waters lacking nothing am I
My Father knows I have needs, He knows my heart's cry
He cares for and loves me and provided for am I
Oh heart do not waver, or worry or fret
These trials and hard times they're really so small
When you look at the Savior, the Great Lord of All
My life is His now, with Him I am safe
He's given His all, steeped in love, drenched in grace
Yes these winds they will blow, the storms they will come
But I'm never forsaken for I'm His, through The Son
Thanks to Jesus for His blood and His grace. May you serve Him and love Him 'til you meet face to face in Heaven's great splendor, the glory of God. For we're safe now in Jesus. To Him we belong.
If anyone doesn't know Jesus as Lord, Savior, and Friend, please go to God, Admit you are a sinner (we all are you know), Believe that Jesus is the Son of God, came in the flesh, died on the cross to pay the price for the sins of mankind, rose the third day and now lives with the Father, and Confess Him (Jesus) as Lord. He loves you and has good plans for your life, plans to give you hope and a future. I know that there isn't a lot being said about hope and a good future in the world right now, but God has good plans for us, and in Christ Jesus there is hope and a glorious future. Not a perfect life without any trials or struggles, but a life of loving care with freedom from sin and the bondages sin brings. Living for Jesus is the experience of a lifetime, a true adventure. The Bible, God's Word tells us everything we need to know about our new life in Christ. Jesus! Thank You so much for Jesus!