Comment Turned Post

This comment was posted to an article from last year. While reading through past comments, I noticed it and thought this man should write more! Christmas time seemed an ideal time to reshare these wise words.Thank You for sharing this comment. (You know who you are.) Wouldn't the rest of you enjoy hearing more thoughts from this commenter? If you would, feel free to leave a comment letting it be known.

"I've had a thought in my mind all week, and this blog sparked it again. I don't know if it is just for me or others but it is simply this. At what point do we start to enjoy the life we have?Is it when the kids are grown? When we attain a certain financial goal? When spring arrives ?A myriad of different points in an uncertain future ? The moment is now,in 45 minutes, in an hour ,later tonight that is a future time.Enjoy right here right now. Be thankful,rejoice in life right now!

In sports and as a firefighter we trained in the present how we were going to respond in the future.How can we enjoy life later if we don't enjoy it now? Train yourself to enjoy life now, then you will be in the habit for the future when that time comes that you set as when you were going to relax and enjoy life.

Take a look around, anybody can be uptight,stressed and not enjoying life. Aspire to break from the crowd and really enjoy life!I challenge everybody to practice a random act of kindness this week. on Celebrate Jesus by Enjoying Every Day 

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