Oh My, I Like This

First published Jan. 16, 2012. This would be a fun and inexpensive Christmas gift. It could become a journal or cookbook too. So many things this fun idea could be used to create! Enjoy! Allow your creative imaginings to go wild.

I didn't do it on purpose. Honest, I didn't. I didn't mean to go visiting these other blogs this afternoon. Truly, I didn't. I was going to get the fire going - again. I was also going to start up another load of washing. But, well, here I am sharing an idea instead.

Please note, before you go visit the recommended site, that I find it very difficult to tear apart books, old or new. However, sometimes old books fall apart all on their own. Should that happen, turning the outside cover into a planner would be ever so much fun. Seriously, this idea is the most fun I have seen in ages. It has been around awhile, try four years ago awhile, but that's ok. Just another great part of blogging, the archives.

Information and more pictures on how the planner was created can be found at Homespun Living.

Another altered book idea can be found at http://cindy50.blogspot.com/2008/02/crafty-farmgirlaltered-book.html.

Seeing these antique books repurposed into usable objects makes me think of one of my favorite cookbooks. It is an old physiology textbook from the early 1900s. One of my great grandmothers pasted recipes into the textbook and Viola'! a cookbook was born.

Journaling, homemanagement binders, scrapbooking, none of these pasttimes are new. They are simply modern versions of the recording of life that homemakers have been practicing for years. Recycling wasn't even a word used in my great grandmother's day. Just think, our parents and grandparents were green before green was in. What else can we learn from those who have gone before? Maybe we should think about it and see what we discover. Yes indeed. Maybe we should. I think I hear another post calling my name. Until next time, go forth and live in the abundance God has bestowed upon His children!

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